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Frage Antworten
ostateczny test
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the acid test
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bear market
zbyt rozbudowana biurokracja
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red tape
excessive documents that slows down business
przełamywać lody
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break the ice
szacunkowa wartość
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ballpark figure
rough estimate
produkt przynoszący duże zyski
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cash cow
najłatwiejsza ścieżka
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low hanging fruits
easiest path
burza mózgów
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blue sky thinking
brainstorm, thinking outside any limitations
zmiana w ostatniej chwili
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moving goalpost
changing the agreement before process was complated (in the last minute)
ponieść znaczące straty finansowe
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take a bath
you have suffered financial lost
when my friend has bought this old car he spent a lot of money, but the later repairs make him really take a bath
zamknąć biznes
Lernen beginnen
go belly up
closed down
I am afraid that further development of the chat GPT can make a lot of law firms go belly up
większa część
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the liona share
biggest part of sth
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kicbacks, bribe
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on a shoestring
on a very tight budget
iść pod prąd
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go against the grain
go against norms
gonić tęcze
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chasing rainbows
trying to pursue very hard and unrealistic goal
zrobić z igły widły, przesadzić
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make a mountain out of a molehill
wierzchołek góry lodowej
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the tip of the iceberg

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