Idioms form 02.01

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Frage English Antworten English
A situation or activity that is fraught with legal complications and risks
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A legal minefield
The established law in a country
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Law of the land
To punish or criticize someone as severely as possible
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To throw the book at someone
Done in private; secret, especially with reference to legal or judicial proceedings
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Behind closed doors
To behave in a way that is unacceptable or not considered standard within the legal or ethical context
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To cross the line
To have the right or opportunity to speak in a group, especially at length
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To hold the floor
To argue against or attack an idea, argument, or proposition—even if one is in favour of it—for the sake of debate or to further examine its strength, validity, or details
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To play devil’s advocate
To cause a change, especially in making something more likely to happen
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To tip the scales
Completely settled or decided.
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A situation that is not clear or where the rules are not known
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A grey area

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