Il tempo

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time, weather
czas, pogoda
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il tempo
it was sunny
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c'era il sole
how is the weather today?
Lernen beginnen
com'è il tempo?
che tempo fa?
it's sunny
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c'è il sole
it's hot / cold
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è (fa) caldo / freddo
it's cloudy
jest pochmurno
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è nuvoloso
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it's snowing
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Even at my place, it's cloudy
u mnie też jest pochmurno
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anche da me, è nuvoloso
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today the sun is shining
dzisiaj świeci slonce
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oggi splende il sole
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I see the moon from my bedroom window
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vedo la luna dalla finestra della mia camera
look at the full moon
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quarda la luna piena
today the sky is blue
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oggi il cielo è azzurro
the sky is clear
niebo jest bezchmurne
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il cielo è terso
the sky is full of clouds
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il cielo è pieno di nuvole
la nuvola - chmura
partly cloudy
częściowo zachmurzone
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parzialmente nuvoloso
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la pioggia
sheep's sky, buckets of rain
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cielo a pecorelle, pioggia a catinelle
la pecora - owca, il catino - wiadro
there is incessant rain
desz nie przestaję padać
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c'è la pioggia incessante
The proverb
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Il proverbio
Red sky at night, good weather hopefully
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Rosso di sera bel tempo si spera
sperare mieć nadzieje
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la neve
The snowflakes
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I fiocchi di neve
the Snowman
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il pupazzo di neve
let's make a snowman
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facciamo il pupazzo di neve
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il vento
the wind always blows at the seaside
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al mare soffia sempre il vento
soffiare - wiać
I blow out the candles on the cake
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soffio le candeline della torta
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il temporale
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il calore
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il ghiaccio
ice on the road is very dangerous
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il ghiaccio sulla strada è molto pericoloso
the glacier
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il ghiacciaio
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il meteo
the snowstorm
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la bufera di neve
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la grandine
The hailstones
kulki gradu
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I chicchi di grandine
by stworzyć dopełniacz dodajemy di
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hail destroys the harvest
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la grandine distrugge il raccolto
distruggere - niszczyć, il raccolto - plony
the raindrops
krople deszczu
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le gocce di pioggia
the Lightning
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il fulmine
I fulmini
the rainbow (m)
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l'arcobaleno (m)
arco- łuk + baleno- chwila
the rainbow has seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue, and purple
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l'arcobaleno ha sette colori: rosso, arancione, giallo, verde, indaco, blu, e viola
the hurricane (m)
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l'uragano (m)
gli uragani
the earthquake
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il terremoto
the whirlwind
trąba powietrzna
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la tromba d'aria
the flood (f)
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l'alluvione (f)
the flood hits the areas near the rivers
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l'alluvione colpisce le zone vicine ai fiumi
il fiume- rzeka, colpire- uderzyć, vicino a - blisko
łagodny, spokojny
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in southern Italy the winter is mild
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nel sud Italia l'inverno è mite
the bad weather
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il brutto tempo
che brutto tempo!
the good weather
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il bel tempo
che bel tempo!
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the climate is very humid
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il clima è molto umido
the fog
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la nebbia
la nebbia è tipica della mattina/ pianira padana- nizina padanska
the seasons of the year
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le stagioni dell'anno
today there is thick fog
dzisiaj jest gęsta mgła
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oggi c'è la nebbia fitta
in Italy there is a warm temperate climate
umiarkowany klimat
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in Italia c'è il climata temperato caldo
temperato- umiarkowany
the umbrella (m)
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l'ombrellone (m)
the umbrella (m)
parasol przeciwsloneczny
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l'ombrellone (m)
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in summer the weather often changes
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in estate il tempo spesso cambia
cambiare - zmieniać sie
one day it's very hot the next it's very cold
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un giorno è molto caldo il successivo è molto freddo
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the Lightning
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il lampo
the Thunder
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il tuono
Falling stars
spadające gwiazdy
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Stelle cadente
there is the moon in the sky
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nel cielo c'è la luna
sunny weather expected
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previsto tempo soleggiato
weather that will characterize the entire day
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tempo che caratterizzerà l'intera giornata
with temperatures between 7° and 18°
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con temperature tra 7° e 18°
Mostly sunny weather expected today
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oggi previsto tempo prevalentemente soleggiato
prevalentemente głównie, przeważnie
Weather forecast in Lombardy for today
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Previsioni del tempo in Lombardia per oggi
fog banks expected today
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oggi previsti banchi di nebbia
Because it's cloudy
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Perchè è nuvoloso
there are temperature changes
zmiany temperatury
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ci sono degli sbalzi di temperatura
I have mood swings
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ho degli sbalzi di umore
it will be sunny and hot
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ci sarà il sole e farà caldo
it is clear
jest pogodnie
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è sereno
It's super hot
jak jest bardzo gorąco
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c'è afa
have you heard the weather forecast?
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hai sentito le previsioni del tempo?
what will the weather be like tomorrow?
Lernen beginnen
che tempo farà domani?
red in the morning bad weather is approaching
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rosso di mattina brutto tempo si avvicina
avvicinare - zbliża nadchodzi avvicinarsi - zbliżać się
there is a wolfish weather
pogoda pod psem
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c'è un tempo da lupi
it's unbearably hot
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fa un caldo insopportabile
it's freezing cold!
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fa un freddo cane!
it's cool
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fa fresco
jest chłodno
the temperature is very low
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la temperatura è bassissima
you die of cold
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si muore di freddo
I have goosebumps
mam gęsia skórkę
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Ho la pelle d'oca
How many degrees are there?
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quanti gradi ci sono?
there is a sun that splits the stones
jest bardzo ostre słońce
Lernen beginnen
c'è un sole che spacca le pietre
spaccare rozwsluc, rozłupać, rozbijać
it's going to rain soon
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fra poco pioverà
it's about to rain
zaraz będzie padać
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sta per piovere
it's raining a lot
leje jak z cebra
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piove a cattinelle
it's raining cats and dogs
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piove a dirotto
grzmi/błyska się
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it's windy
wieje wiatr
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tira vento
there's no air left
brakuje powietrza
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manca l'aria
there is a fog that can be cut with a knife
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c'è una nebbia che si taglia con un coltello
the sunrise
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the sun rises
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il sole sorge
sorgere - powstac, wyniknąć wschód
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il tramonto
the sun sets
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il sole tramonta
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it's melting
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ci si scioglie
It's freezing
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Si gela
there is a strong wind
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c'è in forte vento
it's covered
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è coperto
very hot
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