Intro to IB week 9b

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foreign direct investment (FDI)
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Investment in, controlling and managing value-added activities in other countries.
emerging economy MNEs
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MNEs that originate from an emerging economy and are headquartered there.
foreign portfolio investment (FPI)
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Investment in a portfolio of foreign securities such as stocks and bonds.
joint ventures
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Operations with shared ownership by several domestic or foreign companies.
horizontal FDI
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FDI that creates operations abroad at the same position in the value chain as the operation in the home country
vertical FDI
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FDI in operations in different stages of the value chain, upstream or downstream.
upstream vertical FDI
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FDI in an upstream stage of the value.
downstream vertical FDI
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FDI in a downstream stage of the value chain in two different countries.
FDI flow
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The amount of FDI moving in a given period (usually a year) in a certain direction
FDI stock
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The total value of inbound FDI in a country or outbound FDI from a country operating at a given point in time.
OLI paradigm
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A theoretical framework positing that ownership (O), location (L) and internalization (I) advantages combine to induce firms to engage in FDI.
liability of foreignness
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The inherent disadvantage a firm faces when competing with local firms in a foreign country.
location-bound resources
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Resources that cannot be transferred abroad.
ownership advantages (O-advantages)
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Resources of the firm that are transferable across borders and enable the firm to attain competitive advantages abroad.
locational advantage (L-advantage)
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An advantage enjoyed by firms operating in certain locations.
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The location advantages that arise from the clustering of economic activities in certain locations.
knowledge spillovers
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Knowledge diffused from one firm to others among closely located firms.
internalization advantages (I-advantages)
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Advantages of organizing activities within a multinational firm rather than using a market transaction
transaction costs
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The costs of organizing
market failure
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Imperfections of the market mechanism that make some transactions prohibitively costly
asset specificity
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An investment that is specific to a business relationship.
intra-firm trade
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International trade between two subsidiaries in two countries controlled by the same MNE
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A contract by which a firm allows another firm to use its intellectual property rights in return for a fee.
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A contract by which a firm allows another firm to use its branded service or products in return for a fee.
dissemination risk
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The risk associated with unauthorized diffusion of firm-specific know-how.
tacit knowledge
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Knowledge that is noncodifiable and whose acquisition and transfer require hands-on practice.
local content requirements
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Requirement that a certain proportion of the value of the goods made in a country originates from that country.
bargaining power
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The ability to extract a favourable outcome from negotiations due to one party’s strengths.
obsolescing bargain
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Refers to the deal struck by MNEs and host governments which change their requirements after the initial FDI entry.
sunk costs
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Up-front investments that are non-recoverable if the project is abandoned.
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Government confiscation of private (foreign-owned) assets
state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
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Companies with direct ownership by the state.
soft budget constraint
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Phenomenon that SOEs tend to receive extra resources from the state when facing financial difficulties.
sovereign wealth fund (SWF)
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A state-owned investment fund composed of financial assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate or other financial instruments
experiential knowledge
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Knowledge learned by engaging in the activity and context.
Uppsala model
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A model of internationalization processes focusing on learning processes.
network internationalization model
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A model of internationalization that focuses on the international growth of business networks.
stages models
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Models depicting internationalization as a slow stage-by stage process an SME must go through
international new venture (born global)
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Start-up company that, from inception, seeks to derive significant competitive advantages from the use of resources and the sale of outputs in multiple countries.
international experience
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Personal experience of living in another country.
immigrant entrepreneurs
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People who set up a business after migrating to another country.
mimetic behaviour
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Imitating the behaviour of others as a means to reduce uncertainty.
foreign subsidiary
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An operation abroad set up by foreign direct investment.
entry strategy
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A plan that specifies the objectives of an entry and how to achieve them.
natural resource-seeking FDI
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Investors’ quest to pursue natural resources in certain locations.
market-seeking FDI
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Investors’ quest to go after countries that offer strong demand for their products and services
efficiency-enhancing FDI
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Investors’ quest to single out the most efficient locations for each value chain activity.
capability-enhancing FDI
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Investors’ quest for new ideas and technologies to upgrade their own technological and managerial capabilities.
location-specific advantages
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Advantages that can be exploited by those present at a location
global cities
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Cities with interconnectedness, cosmopolitanism, and abundance of advanced producer services
first-mover advantages
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Advantages that first movers obtain and that later movers do not enjoy.
late-mover advantages
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Advantages that late movers obtain and that first movers do not enjoy
modes of entry
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The format of foreign market entry.
non-equity modes
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A mode of entry that does not involve owning equity in a local firm.
equity modes
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A mode of entry (JV that involves taking full or partial) equity ownership in a local firm
greenfield investments
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Building factories and offices from scratch.
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The transfer of the control of operations and management from one firm (target) to another (acquirer), the former becoming a unit of the latter.
partial acquisitions
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Acquisitions of an equity stake in another firm.
strategic alliance
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Collaboration between independent firms using equity modes, non-equity contractual agreements, or both.
scale of entry
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The amount of resources committed to foreign market entry.
platform investment
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An investment that provides a small foothold in a market or location.
The arm’s length
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The companies are independent of one another and trade based on contractual arrangements. There is no ownership from one company of the other.
Psychologically proximate
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They consider those countries which they perceive as being similar to the home country in terms of institutional environment and/or culture.

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