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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
useful. useful. useful. useful. useful. useful.
Lernen beginnen
useless. useless. useless. useless.
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
especially. especially. especially. especially. especially.
mętny. mało precyzyjny. niejasny. nieokreślony Lernen beginnen
vague. vague. vague. vague. vague.
Detektyw miał mało precyzyjny opis napastnika. Lernen beginnen
The detective. had a vague. description. of the attacker. The detective. had a vague. description. of the. attacker. The detective. had. a vague. description. of the attacker.
Lernen beginnen
description. description. description. description.
końcówka dodawana do rzeczowników (np. określających przybliżoną godzinę /oraz. przymiotników; np.: yellow. + ish =yellowish. (żołtawy); a także. określających. przybliżony wiek (np. około pięćdziesiątki) Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
yellowish. yellowish. yellowish. yellowish.
Lernen beginnen
reddish. reddish. reddish. reddish. reddish. reddish.
Lernen beginnen
bluish. bluish. bluish. bluish. bluish.
Lernen beginnen
greenish. greenish. greenish. greenish. greenish.
Lernen beginnen
brownish. brownish. brownish. brownish. brownish.
Lernen beginnen
thirtyish. thirtyish. thirtyish. thirtyish.
Lernen beginnen
at twoish. at twoish. at twoish. at twoish.
Lernen beginnen
at sevenish. at sevenish. at sevenish. at sevenish. at sevenish.
Lernen beginnen
pinkish. pinkish. pinkish. pinkish. pinkish.
Lernen beginnen
longish. longish. longish. longish. longish.
Lernen beginnen
shortish. shortish. shortish. shortish.
Lernen beginnen
uglish. uglish. uglish. uglish. uglish.
Lernen beginnen
prettish. prettish. prettish. prettish. prettish.
Lernen beginnen
finally. finally. finally. finally.
Lernen beginnen
some kind of. some kind of. some kind of. some kind of.
Lernen beginnen
kind. kind. kind. kind. kind.
to jest pewnego rodzaju żart. Lernen beginnen
this is kind of a joke. this is kind of a joke. this is kind of a joke. kind. of a joke.
Lernen beginnen
joke. joke. joke. joke. joke.
Lernen beginnen
solution. solution. solution. solution. solution.
to jest pewnego rodzaju rozwiązanie. Lernen beginnen
this is some kind of solution. this is some kind of solution. this is some kind of solution. this is. some. kind. of solution.