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not spending more money than you need to
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careful with money
And in those early days he was careful with money.
someone who spends money
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(big) spender
The new casino hopes to attract big spenders.
someone who spends their money carefully and doesn’t waste it
ostrożny (z pieniędzmi)
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My grandparents were thrifty and saved every penny.
a person who only buys what is strictly necessary
restrykcyjnie ostrożny (z pieniędzmi)
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He was frugal in his habits, growing most of his food and mending his clothes until they fell to pieces.
someone who is unwilling to spend money, especially on others
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stingy, tight, parsimonious, (UK) mean, (US) cheap
He was too mean to buy her a proper bed.
extremely mean
nędzny, skąpy
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Her uncle, a miserly old man, refused to help her out.
a person who keeps all their money and hates spending it
skąpiec, sknera
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That old miser, Ebenezer Scrooge.
unwilling to spend money
skąpstwo, skąpy
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penny-pinching, tight-fisted
The basic food ranges appeal to penny-pinching shoppers.
(informal) a person who doesn’t like to spend money
skąpiec, sknera
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skinflint, tightwad, cheapskate
Despite her wealth, she was a notorious skinflint.
someone who is willing to spend a lot on other people
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Sophie’s always so generous with her gifts.
spending or costing a lot of money (sometimes too much money)
hojny, szczodry
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spending or costing a lot of money (some Englisch
extravagant, lavish
The money was used to fund his extravagant lifestyle.
using and wasting a lot of money or resources
rozrzutny, rozpustny
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They were highly critical of the monarch’s profligate spending.
someone who spends a lot of money in a way that is not wise
marnotrawca, rozrzutnik
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He was frequently portrayed as a reckless spendthrift.

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