Ketrin 24th June (45 min)

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(of small birds and some insects) to make short high sounds
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to chirp
The sparrows/crickets were chirping.
What have you been doing?
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What have you been up to?
connected with religious beliefs that are not part of any of the world's main religions
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a pagan celebration
to kill somebody by pressing their throat and neck hard, especially with your fingers
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to strangle sb
The victim had been strangled with a scarf.
to strangle somebody to death
the number of people who attend a particular event
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a turnout
This year's festival attracted a record turnout.
that's a good turnout
a game in which you have to fit words across and downwards into spaces with numbers in a square diagram. You find the words by solving clues
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a crossword
a do/solve a crossword
a large sports ground surrounded by rows of seats and usually other buildings
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a stadium
full of things that happen, especially exciting, important or dangerous things
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an eventful week
to continue to do something despite difficulties or opposition, in a way that can seem unreasonable
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to persist
If you persist in upsetting her, I will have to punish you.
Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened?
determined to do something despite difficulties, especially when other people are against you and think that you are being annoying or unreasonable
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She can be very persistent when she wants something.

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