Kultivi # 62-63

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My Grandma still has her old dresser with that big mirror.
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Minha avó ainda tem sua cômoda antiga com aquele espelho grande.
I leave the lamp on in my son’s bedroom. He is afraid of the dark.
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Deixo a lâmpada no quarto do meu filho. Ele tem medo do escuro.
She sold her old mattress and bought a new one.
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Ela vendeu o colchão velho e comprou um novo.
The nightstand is a good place to have a lamp, a book and maybe a jug of water.
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A mesa de cabeceira é um bom lugar para ter uma lâmpada, um livro e talvez um jarro de água.
The pillow case is stained because you sweat a lot at night.
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A fronha está manchada porque você transpira muito à noite.
My wife sleeps with 4 pillows. I can hardly use two.
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Minha esposa dorme com 4 travesseiros. Eu mal posso usar dois.
White sheets are beautiful but they get yellow with time.
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Lençóis brancos são lindos, mas ficam amarelos com o tempo.
The new wardrobe has a doors. It just stay open and that prevents clothes from getting moldy.
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O novo guarda-roupa tem uma porta. Apenas fica aberto e isso evita que a roupa fique embolorada.
Paulo is my biggest friend.
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Paulo é meu maior amigo.
Selma works hard to make ends meet.
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Selma trabalha duro para sobreviver.
The bird sings loud in the morning.
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O pássaro canta alto de manhã.
Mat and I are working harder than last year.
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Mat e eu estamos trabalhando mais do que no ano passado.
You and Jack just finished university.
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Você e Jack acabaram de terminar a universidade.
Philip and Meggy arrived late for the class.
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Philip e Meggy chegaram atrasados para a aula.
I talked to my father in the evening.
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Conversei com meu pai à noite.
Peter visited Mrs. Taylor yesterday.
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Peter visitou a Sra. Taylor ontem.
Liz went for a walk with the dog.
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Liz foi passear com o cachorro.
Emily was telling matt and I about the game.
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Emily estava dizendo a Matt e eu sobre o jogo.
That game was hard for you and your son.
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Esse jogo foi difícil para você e seu filho.
If you want to stay here, ask Mary and Paul.
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Se você quiser ficar aqui, pergunte a Mary e Paul.

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