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Lernen beginnen
narzekać; to say that something is wrong or not satisfactory Lots of people have complained about the noise.
Lernen beginnen
godny podziwu; deserving respect or approval The police did an admirable job in keeping the fans calm.
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bystry, sprytny; having or showing a quick intelligence in doing something or in persuading people to do something It was certainly a clever ad and got a lot of attention.
Lernen beginnen
szaleniec, wariat, szalony; very strange or foolish; stupid; not reasonable You’re crazy to rent the place without seeing it first.
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ekscentryczny; strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way
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złośliwy, wredny; unkind or unpleasant; Stop being so mean to me!
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maniak, natrętny; like, typical of, or caused by an obsession He's obsessive about punctuality.
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wadliwy, błędny; not working correctly, or not correct His arguments were based on faulty reasoning. Faulty brakes
Lernen beginnen
stracić panowanie nad sobą; to suddenly become angry The children behaved so badly that I lost my temper.
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grozić, straszyć; to warn of something unpleasant or unwanted She threatened legal action against the newspaper.
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pochlebstwo; the act of praising someone, often in a way that is not sincere, because you want something from them I was really pleased when he said how well I'd done, because he isn't known for flattery.
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ze złością, gniewnie; in a way that shows that you feel angry with someone or about something "Don't do that!" she shouted angrily.
Lernen beginnen
zwracać pieniądze; to give someone a refund When I went on business to Peru, the office refunded my expenses.
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niezliczony; very many, or too many to be counted I've heard it played countless times on the radio.
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darmowy, bezpłatny; If tickets, books, etc. are complimentary, they are given free, especially by a business.
Lernen beginnen
opary, spaliny; harmful or strong-smelling gases or smoke Neighbors complain about fumes from the nearby sewage treatment plant.
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wagon osobowy, powóz; any of the separate parts of a train in which the passengers sit
Lernen beginnen
kałuża; a small pool of liquid on the ground, especially from rain You have to step around the puddles in the street after a rain shower.
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spleśniały, stęchły; covered with mould (a soft, green or grey growth that develops on old food or on objects that have been left for too long in warm, wet air)
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kurier, posłaniec; a person or company that takes messages, letters, or parcels from one person or place to another I want to have this package delivered by motorcycle courier.
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dyrektor generalny; the person with the most important position in a company or organization She's the chief executive of one of the country's largest charities.
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rekompensować; to pay someone money in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries.
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udogodnienia, pomieszczenia, obiekty, sprzęt lub usługi służące określonemu celowi; the buildings, equipment, and services provided for a particular purpose The hotel offers exceptional sporting facilities, including a 50 metre swimming pool.
Lernen beginnen
znieść (coś); to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant It's your decision - you have to bear the responsibility if things go wrong.
Lernen beginnen
żądać; to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused She demanded that he return the books he borrowed from her.
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beznadziejny; completely without skill at a particular activity
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radzić sobie z czymś; to deal successfully with a difficult situation It must be really hard to cope with three young children and a job.
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koszmar; an extremely unpleasant event or experience or possible event or experience Being trapped underwater is my worst nightmare.
Lernen beginnen
przeklinać; to use words that are rude or offensive as a way of emphasizing what you mean or as a way of insulting someone or something It was a real shock, the first time I heard my mother swear.
Lernen beginnen
zepsuć, zmarnować; to destroy or reduce the pleasure, interest, or beauty of something He tried not to let the bad news spoil his evening.
make a mental note of sth Lernen beginnen
zapamiętać, zanotowa w pamięci; to make an effort to remember something I made a mental note of her address.
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fakt, okoliczność; a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is I think she coped very well under the circumstances.
Lernen beginnen
bardzo coś lubić; to like someone or something very much; to like doing something My brother is fond of pointing out my mistakes.
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marnować czas; to not make good use of the hours, etc. that you have available If you'd done your work instead of wasting time on your phone, you'd be finished by now.
Lernen beginnen
inicjatywa; The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.
Lernen beginnen
wyjaśnić coś; you say something in a way that makes it impossible for there to be any doubt about your meaning, wishes, or intentions. Mr O'Friel made it clear that further insults of this kind would not be tolerated.
Lernen beginnen
wahać się; to pause before you do or say something, often because you are uncertain or nervous about it She hesitated slightly before answering the detective's question.
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odstępstwo od czegoś; A departure from usual behavior is a change in the way you do something His departure from his usual optimism startled his staff.
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otrzymywać, uzyskiwać; to get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for it, or producing it from something else In the second experiment, they obtained a very clear result.
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załączać; to join a file such as a document, picture, or computer program, to an email; to fasten, join, or connect something
Lernen beginnen
dostarczać; to take goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people's houses or places of work The furniture store is delivering our new bed on Thursday.
Lernen beginnen
załącznik; a computer file that is sent together with an email message I wasn't able to open that attachment.