Lesson - Attacking Service Workers

 0    8 Datenblatt    jessehandley
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The demonstration was mostly peaceful, apart from a few troublemakers who were clearly there to cause damage to property
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a person who deliberately causes arguments and problems and encourages people to complain
Prejudice towards people from other countries is always due to a lack of education and understanding about their culture.
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a dislike of something for reasons that are not logical or based on facts
The arrival of the police caused a lot of hostility from the crowd who reacted by throwing bottles and cans.
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behaviour that is aggressive and unfriendly
CRED, an organisation in Chicago in the United States, works to reduce gun violence and increase harmony within communities in the area
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a state of agreement and peace
Health workers have stopped work today in a dispute with the government over levels of pay, their working hours and that not enough is being done to protect them from attacks.
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a disagreement between two or more people or groups
A survey was published today which contradicted the government’s claim that crime is falling.
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say that the opposite of what someone has said is true and that they are wrong
Police tried to engage the protesters in conversation to begin with, but were forced to be more assertive when the situation turned violent.
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acting in a way that shows you have confidence in your opinions and actions in a way that is noticeable to others
Hospital workers provided a superior level of service throughout the pandemic, despite the risks to their own safety.
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better quality than other people or items in a group

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