Lesson - Women in Business

 0    8 Datenblatt    jessehandley
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The overwhelming majority voted for the candidate. He won the election easily.
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make someone less confident or make something weaker
Girls tend to outperform boys at school.
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do something better than someone or something else
single out
The whole team performed very well. I don’t want to single out any employee
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choose one person or thing from a group to criticize or praise
The scandal will undermine people’s confidence in the government.
Lernen beginnen
make someone less confident or make something weaker
They attribute their success to hard work.
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say that something is caused by something else
on their own merits
I try to judge products on their own merits, and not on what the ads say
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based only on their qualities and not on what other people say about them
Mike is ill-equipped to lead the company. He’s very young and doesn’t have enough experience.
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not having the necessary ability or qualities to do something
imposter syndrome
My friend can't believe that they deserve the promotion they received six months ago, I think she is suffering from imposter syndrome.
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zespół oszusta

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