Lesson - Negotiating Deals

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Frage Antworten
win-win situation
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sytuacja, w której każdy wygrywa
zero sum game
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gra o sumie zerowej
build rapport with someone
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buduj relacje z kimś
probe interests
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zainteresowania sondy
make proposals
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składać propozycje
make counter proposals
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składać kontrpropozycje
reach a compromise
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pójść na kompromis
make concessions
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robić ustępstwa
reach a stalemate
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osiągnąć impas
work out the details
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wypracować szczegóły
return to the negotiating table
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wróć do stołu negocjacyjnego
The negotiation decoy
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add extra false interests to your agenda which you can bargain with, without affecting your real interests
The extreme offer
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ask for more or offer less than expected in order to make ‘concessions’ later
Negotiation nibbling
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make one last ‘small’ demand once the deal has been done hoping that your opponent will agree in order not to harm the agreement
Good cop bad cop
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one member of your team is demanding and inflexible (the bad cop), the other appears to be pleasant and reasonable (the good cop). Your opponent will have to deal with the good cop.
Mention the competition
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make references to what your opponent’s competitors are offering in order to gain the concessions that you want
Negotiation limits
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state limitations (e.g. money, time), real or imagined, hoping that your opponent will make a concession to meet your limit.
Take it or leave it
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appear as if you are ready to break off the negotiations unless your interests are met
Negotiation silence
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stop talking during the negotiation in the hope that your opponent will become uncomfortable and want to make a concession in order to break the silence.

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