March 8

 0    13 Datenblatt    pjendruszko
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brzmię cicho dzisiaj
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I sound quiet today
ból gardła
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a sore throat
mam objawy gorączki
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I have symptoms of a fever
Nie wolno torturować ludzi
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People cannot be tortured
praca bez kasku jest niedozwolona
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work without a helmet is not allowed
zabieram ze sobą ubrania
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I'm taking my clothes with me
przejść przez bramkę
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pass through the gate
zdjąc pasek
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take of the belt
proszę opróżnić kieszenie
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please empty your pockets
kosz na śmieci
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a waste basket
Czy ma pan bagaż do nadania?
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Do you have any luggage to check in?
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bagaż ma nadwagę
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the luggage is overweight

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