MIDTERM Alma 7-9 units

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Frage Antworten
Jeśli jesteś głodna, to pójdziemy do restauracji
Lernen beginnen
If you are hungry, then we will go to the restaurant
Second Conditional
Gdyby moja mama wolniej jechała, zobaczyliśmy piękny krajobraz Francji
Lernen beginnen
if my mother had driving more slowly we would have seen the beautiful views in France
Third Conditional
Jeśli nie będziesz pić, będziesz spragniona.
Lernen beginnen
If you do not drink, you are thirsty.
Zero Conditional
Jeśli wygram dużo pieniędzy na loterii, to wybuduje dużą ville
Lernen beginnen
If I won a lot of money in the lottery, I would build a large ville
Chciałabym bym mieć telefon
Lernen beginnen
I wish I had a phone call
Używamy I wish+past simple kiedy mówimy o rzeczach, które mogą stać się prawda
Chciałabym mieć psa
Lernen beginnen
I wish I had a dog
Tom went to the supermarket_____buy some fruits so that/to
Lernen beginnen
Tom went to the supermarket TO buy fruit
We went____ the park to play football
Lernen beginnen
We went TO the park to play football
I bought computer ______ I Could send emails
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I bought computer SO THAT I Could send emails
rozwinięcie COMPARITIVE
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Lernen beginnen
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Lernen beginnen
Wolałabym zostać w domu
would rather/had better
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I'd rather stay home
Lepiej zjedz więcej owoców
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You'd better eat more fruit
Lepiej załóż płaszcz
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You'd better wear a coat
Wolałabym powiedzieć nauczycielowi
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I'd rather say to the teacher
I like it
Reporter statements
Lernen beginnen
She said she liked it
'We are climbing The Tower'
Lernen beginnen
She said they were climbing the tower
'Why did you can dance'
Lernen beginnen
They asked her why she can dance

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