Módulo 12 - Unit 8 - Art? or not?

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clásico / clásica
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artes escénicas
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performance arts
exhibición de arte
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art exhibition
creates a distinctive feeling or mood
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experiencia alentador-inspirador
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uplifting experience
accessible easy to understand
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make you re-evaluate things
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Me gusta expresarme en color
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I like to express myself in colour
Aún no he alcanzado mi potencial creativo
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I haven't even reached my creative potential yet
así es como se me ocurrió esto
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that's how I came up with this
eso es audaz y erudito
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that's bold and shocking
Estoy cultivando el arte de escuchar.
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I'm cultivating the art of listening
ahí es donde se encuentran mis habilidades
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that's where my skills lie
simplemente no pueden evitarlo
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they simply can't help themselves
instó a ser creativo
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it urged to be creative
evitar/ pasar por alto completamente el cerebro
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bypass the brain entirely
prestarle dignidad
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lend dignity to it
misma ficha, mismo modo, mismo sentido
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same token
se propuso deliberadamente ser controvertido
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deliberately set out to be controversial
una imagen vale más que mil palabras
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a picture's worth a thousand words
very boring
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not good as people say it is
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pretending to be special or clever but in reality of little value
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something people argue and disagree about
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valor de impacto
the interest something has because it offends or surprises people
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shock value
new and different from anything else
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both sad and moving that you can't get it out of your mind
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artista de calle
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street artist
corriente principal
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hazlo grande
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make it big
lugar de nacimiento
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birth place
Los niños siempre tienen la necesidad de crear cosas y hacer arte.
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Children always have the urged to create things and make art
Si le gustas, te ayudará, pero de la misma manera, si no lo hace, te ignorará
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If he likes you, he will help, but by the same token, if he doesn't, he will ignore you
Si escucho una gran melodía, empiezo a bailar. No puedo evitarlo
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If I hear a great tune, I start dancing. I can't help myself
El arte hace que nuestro sufrimiento sea significativo y le da dignidad
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Art makes our suffering meaningful and lends it dignity
Cada artículo tiene miles de perlas cosidas a mano y es una obra de arte completa
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Every item has thousand of pearls sewn on by hand and is a complete work of art
Los nuevos baños de última generación tienen duchas de bajo consumo y calefacción por suelo radiante.
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The state-of-the-art new bathrooms have power-saving showers and underfloor heating
Tan pronto como vi tu foto, supe cómo serías: una imagen vale más que mil palabras
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As soon as I saw your photo, I knew what you'd be like: a picture's worth a thousand words
Nunca serás bailarina si no practicas; a veces es necesario sufrir por tu arte
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You will never be a ballerina if you don't practise; sometimes it's necessary to suffer for your art
Vale la pena esperar a que bajen los precios
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It's well worth waiting for prices to fall
La desventaja es que hace calor
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The downside is that it's hot
El punto culminante del concierto fue el dúo.
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The high point of the concert was the duet
No piensa mucho en el arte moderno.
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He doesn't think much of modern art
No puedo soportar personas pretenciosas
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I can't bear pretentious people
A primera vista, la habitación parecía pequeña y oscura.
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At first glance, the room seemed small and dark
Ella es una cocinera terrible, así que nunca come su propia comida.
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She's a terrible cook, so she never eats her own food
Solo firma cuando está solo
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He only signs when he's on his own

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