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Die Verwendung von VocApp2000Tagen. Ich lerne von VocApp800Tage, einschließlich stetig seit0Tagen. Ich bin der Autor46Sets. Das letzte Mal war ich, Sie sehen können2024-12-04 18:47:52.

Meine Vokabelkarteien

Modulo 11 - Unit 1 - How are you?
Modulo 11 - Unit 2 - It's just good manners
Irregular verbs
Modulo 11 - Unit 3 - A bright future
Modulo 11 - Unit 4 - Every little bit helps
Verb patterns
Modulo 11 - Unit 5 - As easy as 1, 2, 3
Cardinal and ordinal numbers
Modulo 11 - Unit 6 - The gentle art of persuasion
Modulo 11 - Unit 7 - Your choice
Modulo 11 - Unit 8 - I need a hero!
Book - Animal Farm - George Orwell
Modulo 11 - Unit 9 - Let’s hit the road
Modulo 12 - Unit 1 - Memory lane
Modulo 12 - Unit 2 - Life-changing experience
Modulo 12 - Unit 3 - Law and order
Módulo 12 - Unit 4 - Regrets... I have a few
Módulo 12 - Unit 5 - Age is nothing but a number
Módulo 12 - Unit 8 - Art? or not?
Módulo 12 - Unit 7 - More power to you
Módulo 12 - Unit 9 - And they all lived happily ev...
Extra unit 1 - Health
Extra unit 2 - Discourse markers
British council
Serie - 13 Reasons Why
Book - The Mystery of People Who Speak Dozens of L...
Unit 1 - Call the doctor
Unit 3 - air travel
Unit 4 - the environment / weather
Unit 5 - Body and music
Unit 8 - Crime
Unit 9 - Advertising and business
Serie - Breaking Bad
Book - The Clan of the cave bear
B2.2. EOI - Édito
Phrasal verbs
HUB - C1 - Unit 1, 2 and 3
Edito C1
Illico 5 - C2.1.
Objective Proficiency
EOC - A1 Pinyin
EOC - A1 - Hanzi
EOC - A1
EOC - A2
Ready for C2

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