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Eso sí, es mejor que mi último lugar Lernen beginnen
Mind your, it is better than my last place
used to add a further comment which is usually a contrast or a surprise, but can also be an explanation Lernen beginnen
used to change the conversation to a different topic Lernen beginnen
used to change the conversation to a different topic Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
Incidentally, do you know how
en cuanto a ella, probablemente ganará Lernen beginnen
as for she, she will probably win
used to start talking about sb or sth new that is connected with what you were talking about before Lernen beginnen
Sí, o alternativamente, ella podría quedarse con la compañía Lernen beginnen
Yes, or alternatively, she could stay with the company
used to introduce an idea that is a second choice or possibility Lernen beginnen
Es cierto que solo estaba tratando de ayudar Lernen beginnen
It's true that he was only trying to help
uses to agree with an idea made by the previous speaker (but often before disagreeing) Lernen beginnen
used to introduce a counter-argument or return to one the speaker has already made Lernen beginnen
Aun así, no debería haberse involucrado Lernen beginnen
Even so, he shouldn't have got involved
como una cuestión de hecho used to say what you really think, or to introduce information which is not what the listener expects to hear Lernen beginnen
used to say what you really think, or to introduce information which is not what the listener expects to hear Lernen beginnen
used to say what you really think, or to introduce information which is not what the listener expects to hear Lernen beginnen
used to say what you really think, or to introduce information which is not what the listener expects to hear Lernen beginnen
Bueno, de hecho estábamos un poco decepcionados Lernen beginnen
Well, as a matter of fact we were a bit disappointed
En general, el personal seguía siendo muy agradable Lernen beginnen
By and large the staff were still very nice
used to introduce a generalization Lernen beginnen
used to introduce a generalization Lernen beginnen
used to introduce a generalization Lernen beginnen
used to introduce a generalization Lernen beginnen
used to introduce an additional point and one that is often conclusive or the most important Lernen beginnen
used to introduce an additional point and one that is often conclusive or the most important Lernen beginnen
used to introduce an additional point and one that is often conclusive or the most important Lernen beginnen
y, en cualquier caso, no habla alemán Lernen beginnen
and, in any case, he doesn't speak German
En cualquier caso, llegaré a tiempo Lernen beginnen
At any rate, I will be there on time
Lernen beginnen
used to say that sth is true or sth will happen in spite of other things mentioned Lernen beginnen
used to say that sth is true or sth will happen in spite of other things mentioned Lernen beginnen
used to return the conversation to sth you said earlier Lernen beginnen