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 0    26 Datenblatt    patryk2000kozlowski
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is a system for organizing spaces so work canon be perfomed efficiently, effectively and safety
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sort- indentification and delete of all needlee items at the workplace
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Set in order - set in order and assignation place for all items
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shine- keep your workplace clean
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standardize- elevelopment and implementation of standards for the first three rules
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sustain- fallow the first four rules
kierownik oddziału
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branch manager - is in charge of the eployees and customers at one branch of the bank
doradca ds. obsługi klienta
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customer service advisor - handles customers problems and questions often on the phone
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supervisor- has a team of employees and watches and checks their work
analityk finanowy
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investment analyst - knows a lot about economy and investments
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casher- works at a bank counter and handles everyday banking
starszy doradca klienta
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senior account manager - is responsible for customers accounts. It is management positions
zawsze bądź uprzejmy i przyjazny. Jeśli będziesz niegrzeczny i nieprzyjazny, nasi klienci pójdą do innego banku
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always be polite and friendly. If you are inpolite and unfriendly our customers will go to another bank
Bądź skuteczny - odpowiadaj na pytania i szybko i sprawnie załatwiaj transakcje
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Be efficient - answer questions and deal with transactions quickly and well
Bądź kompetentny - upewnij się, że masz wszystkie informacje potrzebne do odpowiedzi na pytania klientów
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Be knowledgeable - make sure you have all the information you need to answer customers questions
mój bank zapewnił mi bezpłatne prowadzenie konta do 26 roku życia
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my bank gave me free account maintenance up to the age of 26
mój bank dał mi darmowe wypłaty z bankomatów we wszystkich krajach europejskich
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my bank gave me free ATM withdrawals in all european countries
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my bank reimburses me 2 percent of my electricity, gas and water bills
Do you spend your money as soon as you get in or do you put some of it in a savings account?
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I have a savings account where I put aside PLN 500 a month for holidays
Do you ever lend money to other People? Do they always Pay you back?
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I like to be helpful, so if someone is lacking money, I lend them. Some people don't give me back, but I don't care
Do you ever borrow things from other people? Do you always give them back on time?
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Sometimes I borrow things from others, but I always try to get them back on time
Do you ever give money to charity?
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I often donate money to charity. when I was a child my parents also needed such support so that they could heal me
Do you usually buy things in shops or online?
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I usually buy things over the internet. I'm busy and I don't have time to shop in stores
Do you always take your credit card with you when you go abroad?
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I take my credit card when I go abroad. I have a foreign currency account because I often travel to Belgium or Germany
Do you save money for a pension?
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I haven't cut my retirement money yet, I feel too young for that.
Do you ever sell things you don't want any more?
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always selling things that I don't need anymore. I am a minimalist and I don't like having too many things.

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