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Relability def 1
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whether an instrument can be interpreted consistently across different situations
Relability def 2
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the ability of the measure to produce the same results under the same conditions. To be valid the instrument must first be reliable
Relability imp 1
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a person should get the same score on a questionnaire if they complete it at two different measurement occasions
Cronbach’s alpha def 1
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the most common measure of scale reliability
Cronbach’s alpha def 2
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equivalent to creating two sets of items in every possible way and computing correlation coefficient for each split
What are acceptable values for Cronbach's alpha
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0,7 / 0,8 / in psychology sometimes even 0,5 is ok due to diversity of constructs
Possible values for Cronbach's alpha
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0 to 1
What high Cronbach 's alpha does not suggest?
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homogenity of the scale
Relability def 3
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consistency of measure
In what way should we interpret Cronbach 's alpha?
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in terms of high reliability rather than homogenity
When does reliability increase
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higher sample sizes / wider range of Likert’s scale / higher number of item
split-half reliability
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Spliting the scale into two randomly selected sets of items. Scale is reliable when achieved scores are mostly similar

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