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content words
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words that possess semantic content and contribute to the meaning of the sentence in which they occur.
function words
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words that express gramatical relationship. have little lexical meaning
carefull speech
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when every sound is produced carefully
fast speech
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when sounds that would be pronounced in slow, careful speech seem to disappear
intonation unit
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is a piece of utterance, a continuous stream of sounds, bounded by a fairly perceptible pause
consonant cluster
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where two or more consonant sounds appear in a word with no intervening vowels
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clippingthe process of shortening the articulation of a phonetic segment
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the consonant sound blends with the preceding or following syllable instead of creating its own syllable
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a sound change where two or more segments with distinctive features merge into a single segment
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the occurrence of two separate vowel sounds in adjacent syllables with no intervening consonant
tonic stress
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refers to the syllable in a word which receives the most stress in an intonation unit. An intonation unit has one tonic stress.
syllabic nucleus
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the vowel of a syllable
regressive assimilation
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given sound is influenced by the sound after it (characteristic for English pronunciation)
progressive assimilation
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given sound is influenced by the sound before it
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the pitch of a sound wave is basically just the frequency of that particular sound wave
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the sense of loudness is related to the strength of the localised sound wave
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The quality of a sound is that feature that distinguishes the two sounds of equal loudness and equal pitch

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