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wymazać, kasować, usuwać
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to completely remove words, music, pictures, etc that are written or stored on a computer or other piece of equipment
How Can I erase my latest work?
dostrzegać, zauważać (zobaczyć coś, co jest trudne do zauważenia)
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to see or recognize something; to notice
There was no discernible difference between them.
dostrzegalny, znaczący
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discernible, noticeable
easy to see or be aware of
There was a noticeable difference in his behaviour after the injury.
krytykować, rzucać krzywdzące oskarżenia
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to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value him, her, or it:
I've little patience for the commentators on radio and television who periodically disparage the team that loses.
przerwać, wycofać z obiegu(dis), zaprzestać
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discontinue, interrupt, abort
to stop producing or providing something such as a product or service/I was trying to work but the children were interrupting me.
I have discontinued my visits there.

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