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To stop talking about some topic or subject. Often used as an imperative.
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give it a rest!
Give it a rest! There's no point arguing about such unimportant matters.
na pierwszy rzut oka
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at first glance, at first sight, at first blush
kość niezgody
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a bone of contention
Money is a common bone of contention in many marriages.
mniejsze zło
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lesser evil
We didn't like any of the movies played that evening, so we just chose the one which seemed to be lesser evil.
być wyjadaczem w czymś
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to be an old hand (at sth)
Miss Perkins is an old hand at teaching. You can rely on him; he is an old hand at repairing cars.
o czymś kończącym się, spadającym
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to be on the wane /weɪn/
The moon was on the wane. The president's popularity is on the wane. By the 5th century, the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane.

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