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zagarnąć, zawłaszczyć. присвоить
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to appropriate
He appropriated the trust funds for himself. He was fired because he appropriated some of the company's money.
konsorcjum - porozumienie samodzielnych podmiotów, którego celem jest ich zobowiązanie się do wspólnej realizacji określonego zadania
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a consortium /kənˈsɔː(ɹ).ti.əm/
international consortium of eight banks. The airport was built by an American consortium.
wzrosnąć, podskakiwać, podskoczyć
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to soar |sɔːr|
the dollar soared against the yen. The food prices have soared so much that many people can't even afford to buy staples.
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a tribunal |traɪˈbjuːnl|
appeal tribunal. The tribunal ruled in her favour. He was tried before a military tribunal and found not guilty of the charges.
mediacja, pośrednictwo
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mediation |ˌmiːdɪˈeɪʃn|
I intend to correspond with you by her mediation. Because of all the international mediation the two countries avoided war.
dygotać, drżeć
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to shudder
I shudder to think of it. The building gave a sudden shudder. Peter's car kept shuddering while we were driving on cobblestones. I shudder at the thought of fire in this building.
niepewny, wadliwy, defektywny
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unsound. unsoundness. unsoundly
The building was structurally unsound, so they had to demolish it. The doctrine was politically unacceptable and militarily unsound.
wzrost (notowań, koniunktury). początek wzrostu. zmiana na lepsze
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upturn in inflation - wzrost inflacji. There will be no quick upturn in the economy. The upturn in the housing market has caused considerable price increases.
nieudany, bezskuteczny. Coming to nothing; failing in its effect.
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an abortive attempt to reform local government.
ustalanie cen
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I don't understand your pricing strategy. Why is everything you sell so expensive?

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