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dowalić komuś kto i tak jest w trudnej sytuacji.
Lernen beginnen
to kick sb in the teeth
Can Jeff's employee review wait until next week? His girlfriend just left him, and I don't want to kick him in the teeth. I was counting on my professor to help me out during my exam, but he only kicked me in the teeth by asking a very difficult question.
pławić się w luksusie. ogólniej
Lernen beginnen
to live in (the lap of) luxury
She's been living in the lap of luxury all her life, treated like a little princess by her parents. Samantha was born in the lap of luxury.
donieść, zakapować
Lernen beginnen
to put the finger on sb
I hoped the teacher wouldn't know who broke the lamp, but somebody put the finger on me, and I was punished.
tonąć jak kamień
Lernen beginnen
to sink like a stone
This model of a boat isn't ready yet. If you take it on the water, it'll sink like a stone.
myśleć jedno, mówić drugie. To make empty or false promises/to tell lies; to try to deceive someone
Lernen beginnen
to speak with a forked tongue
Don't trust her sweet manner. She always spoke with a forked tongue, I know this woman.
przen. odwrócić się na pięcie. ostentacyjnie wyjść / opuścić / zrezygnować z udziału etc.
Lernen beginnen
to vote with your feet
Eleven Members of Parliament voted with their feet yesterday, when the new laws concerning emigration policy were discussed.
spływać jak po kaczce
Lernen beginnen
water off a duck's back
The parent reprimanded the boy for his noisy behaviour, but it was water off a duck's back.
ktoś mądry, zazw. starszy
Lernen beginnen
a wise old owl
Ask grandpa, he's such a wise old owl.
przy najlepszych chęciach
Lernen beginnen
with the best will (in the world)
Sorry, but I can't make my boss hire you, with the best will in the world.
przen. jeśli często zmieniasz środowisko, nie zapuścisz nigdzie korzeni (1.2) przen. jeśli często zmieniasz miejsce, nie będziesz za nic odpowiedzialny
Lernen beginnen
a rolling stone gathers no moss
dosł. nie obrasta mchem. Neil will never get stable anywhere or with anyone, as he's too afraid of getting attached. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
muchy by nie skrzywdził
Lernen beginnen
He wouldn't hurt a fly.
Damian?! I'll never believe he meant to offend you, he wouldn't hurt a fly!

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