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pojawiać się/zbliżać się
Lernen beginnen
come along
arrive at a place
He came along to the meeting
rozpadać się
Lernen beginnen
come apart
separate into pieces
The antique picture frame just came apart in my hands
odzyskać przytomność
Lernen beginnen
come around/round
become conscious again
A nurse was with me when I came round after operation
- zniknać (plama na ubraniu); - wyjść na jaw; - pojawić się (wyniki egzaminu); - wyjść skądś
Lernen beginnen
come out
1) Let your shirt soak overnight and the stain will probably come out. 2) If this story comes true about him, he'll habe to resign. 3) When do your exam results come out? 4) Tom coming out of hospital at the weekend.
wyjść coś planowanego
Lernen beginnen
come off
I was planning to arrange a suprise holiday, but I'm not sure it's going to come off.
wyjść coś nieplanowanego
Lernen beginnen
come about
I'm not quite sure how that came about
1) Wspomnieć; 2) Pojawić się (problem); 3) być dostępnym
Lernen beginnen
come up
1) Only if the subject comes up in conversation. 2) This morning somethig came up and we had to deal with it. 3) I don; t know if a place ont the council is going to come up, so I'll wait a moment.
natknąć się na problem do poradzenia
Lernen beginnen
come up against
I've came up against a few problems.
Odkryć lub spotkać przez przypadek
Lernen beginnen
Came across
I came across someone who's done an almost identical study.
podjąć decyzję
Lernen beginnen
come to
I've got to come to a decision
zależeć od czegoś
Lernen beginnen
come down to
My decision come down to what my doctor recommends.

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