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dogonić, nadgonić, zaktualizować wiadomości, wprowadzać w szczegóły, zaznajomić z czymś PV Lernen beginnen
I'd like to catch up with my classmates - dogonić (w sensie materiał). After Alice's vacation, her boss caught her up on policy changes. I couldn't run fast enough to catch up with her.
wypełniać (np. formularz, lukę w tekście) PV Lernen beginnen
To ensure that one remains well-informed about something PV Lernen beginnen
I always try to keep up with (or "keep up on") current affairs.
nadążać. To stay even or ahead. PV Lernen beginnen
They ran so fast I could hardly keep up.
pozostawać w tyle, spóźniać się z czymś, odstawać, zalegać PV Lernen beginnen
You're falling behind with the rent. - zalegasz z czynszem. You could lose your job if you keep falling behind with your work. I fell behind with the rest of my groupmates
To fail to keep pace; to fail to keep up with one's peers; to achieve or impress less than one's peers; to move more slowly than one's peers. PV Lernen beginnen
Liam was lagging behind in the race. Don't lag behind us or you'll get lost.
skończyć się, wyczerpać się PV Lernen beginnen
If this hot weather continues, we will run out of ice cream. We've run out of time. He'd run out of ideas.
natrafić na coś, zwykle przypadkiem, natknąć się PV Lernen beginnen
In the meadow he came across a rare flower. I've never come across this word before
być podobnym do kogoś (z wyglądu/charakteru) PV Lernen beginnen
She takes after her grandmother with her wide eyes and quiet disposition. Jenni really takes after her mother. Mum is very stubborn, and Kim takes after her in that respect (feature or detail)
patrzeć w przyszłość. смотреть вперёд; проявлять предусмотрительность. To consider the future, to anticipate future events PV Lernen beginnen
You should forget the past and look ahead. He will need to look ahead a few years if he wants to make solid and realistic plans for his business. Looking ahead I prefer to learn English now because I'll need it later.
spoglądać wstecz, patrzeć w przeszłość, za siebie (przen.). To think of (past events) in retrospect. PV Lernen beginnen
Looking back, I understand that I've made lots of mistakes. When I look back at my summer holidays as a child, I smile.
oczekiwać, wyczekiwać z niecierpliwością PV Lernen beginnen
I look forward to seeing you. We've got two matches to look forward to.
zajrzeć do kogoś, wpaść na chwilę do kogoś. To visit a place or person briefly and casually. PV Lernen beginnen
the doctor will look in again this evening.
sprawdzać (np. w słowniku). искать (в словаре, справочнике и т. п.); наводить (справку) PV Lernen beginnen
I didn't know what a mitochondrion was until I looked it up in a dictionary.
podziwiać, szanować, patrzeć z podziwem/uznaniem na kogoś PV Lernen beginnen
A boy should look up to his father. I've always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination.