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sfrustrowany, zmęczony, mieć czegoś dosyć PV
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be fed up with. get fed up with
Anna got fed up with waiting. I get fed up with television quiz shows. I'm really fed up with this constant rain.
inform. stworzyć kopię zapasową danych PV
Lernen beginnen
to back up
Back up your documents folder before applying the update.
przejąć PV
Lernen beginnen
to take over
He took over the responsibility of caring for the animals. I took over Jenny's flat when she went to Sweden. I'll take over for her until she gets back from her morning break. If you will take over driving, I'd like to get some sleep.
zameldować się gdzieś, pojawić się gdzieś PV
Lernen beginnen
to check in
you must check in at the airport an hour before your plane leaves. Has Mr Light checked in at the hotel yet?
wymeldowywać się z hotelu PV/To confirm and pay for goods and services at a facility (e.g.: supermarket, online store, hotel) when leaving.
Lernen beginnen
wymeldowywać się z hotelu PV/To confirm  ?
to check out
Be sure to check out of the hotel before noon. I'm done shopping, so I'll go check out now.

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