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rwanie (sztangi, ciężaru).
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stanowić jakąś część czegoś PV
Lernen beginnen
to make up
the long head makes up a large part of your triceps. Entitlements make up the major part of the federal budget.
skakać po kutangach PV. (informal) To have a sexual relationship, especially one which is non-commital.
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to mess around/about
She's not faithful- she's been MESSING ABOUT since they got married.
odejść (umrzeć) PV
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to pass away
PV. To stop functioning, either properly or at all, especially while one is in the middle of using it.
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to quit on (sb)
My phone has QUIT ON me - can I borrow yours? I can't believe this crappy old computer quit on me when I was halfway through my term paper! I've been looking for a new lawnmower ever since our old one quit on us last week.
obalić (np. rząd) / obalenie
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to overthrow. overthrew. overthrown
the overthrow of the government. The regime has been overthrown.
nadgodziny/po godzinach
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overtime/after hours
Unpaid overtime. I have to work overtime tonight. He was doing a lot of overtime to save for his vacation.
podtekst, akcent, nutka. Zazw.
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There were overtones of discontent in his speech. a reply full of overtones. His words were polite, but there were overtones of anger in his voice.
uczyć się na własnej skórze
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to learn the hard way
rys, przegląd, przekrój, ogólny opis (też czasownik)
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historical overview. I was asked to give an overview of the company's sales figures. This book provides a broad overview of American history. I'll just give you an overview of the job.
za gruby, za ciężki (nie tylko o ludziach). z nadwagą, otyły
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za gruby, za ciężki (nie tylko o ludziac ?
He's still a few pounds overweight. If I eat too much I soon get overweight. My luggage was overweight by five kilos.
przytłaczający przeważający przemożny
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In December 1939 the Soviet Union attacked Finland with overwhelming force. She has an overwhelming need to be liked and respected. An overwhelming majority of the members were against the idea.
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There is absolutely overwhelming proof for evolution.
zmęczyć pracą
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to overwork
to overwork a horse
przepracowywać się (intransitive) To work too hard.
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to overwork
Don't overwork yourself on that new job.
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Depression is often caused by the cumulative effects of stress and overwork.
nadpisanie. nadpisać (computing) The operation of destroying older data by recording new data over it.
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I accidentally saved my unwanted changes and overwrote the version of the document I wanted to keep.
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oviduct |ˈəʊvɪdʌkt|

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