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Frage Antworten
PV odpadać, odpaść, oderwać się, odłączyć się
Lernen beginnen
to come off
One of the wagon wheels came off. I picked it up and the handle CAME OFF in my hand. The button has come off.
PV. (US) To crash an aircraft or automobile.
Lernen beginnen
to crack up
John cracked up the car for good in the accident.
krokodyle łzy
Lernen beginnen
crocodile tears (shed, cry)
You seem to be crying crocodile tears at the thought of having to miss work tomorrow. Source:
PV włączyć / podłączyć (do kontaktu)
Lernen beginnen
to plug in/into
Your mobile phone's battery is weak. Plug the charger in.

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