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PV (transitive, intransitive, idiomatic) To start; to launch; to set in motion.
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to kick off
Let's kick it off with a barbell row (zaczynając listę ćwiczeń do omówienia). Let's kick off this project with a planning meeting. What time does the laser show kick off?
nie dorównywać komuś/czemuś, nie równać się z czymś, nie umywać się do czegoś
Lernen beginnen
to be no match for sb/sth
Gibson ran well but was no match for the young Italian.
PV To research a particular subject.
Lernen beginnen
to dig into
She is going to dig into Egyptian basket-weaving this semester.
nie ma miejsca na coś
Lernen beginnen
to have no place
women had no place in the military. Science has no place here

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