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próbować coś uzyskać przez subtelne sugestie, niewprost. To try to obtain something by subtle indirect means: political manoeuvres, suggestion, etc.
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to angle for
He's been ANGLING FOR an invitation, but I don't want him to come. What exactly are you angling for? If it's a pay raise, you can just forget about it. I know Phil's angling for a day off, but we're just too short-staffed right now.
odpyskować, odburknąć. To reply rudely
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to answer back
Don't you dare answer me back, young lady! She always taught him not to answer back. Your students don't respect you, that's why they always answer back when you try to discipline them.
odpowiedzieć za coś. To accept responsibility for one's misdeeds.
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to answer for
He has а lot to answer for. She must answer for her actions. "Why do you think there's so much violence nowadays?" "Well, violence on television has a lot to answer for (= is the cause of much of it)."
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to answer for
I can certainly answer for her professionalism, and whole-heartedly recommend her to any employer. I'm sure John will help us — I can't really answer for the others.

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