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(idiomatic) To end badly.
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(idiomatic) To end badly. ?
(it'll (all) end in tears
It'll all end in tears if you keep lying like this, pal. Everyone knew that their business venture would end in tears.
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by far
He is by far the best student. Paris is by far the largest city in France.
coś zupełnie odwrotnego/bardzo różnić się od czegoś być bardzo daleko od czegoś
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far cry. to be a far cry from something
This food is a far cry from what we got in the cafeteria. Living in the heart of NYC is certainly a far cry from living in the rural countryside. You'll find that the competition in the minor leagues is a far cry from what you experienced in high school.
A long distance away from something.
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a far cry
You're a far cry from Seattle where you live. When it's snowing here, it feels especially like we're a far cry from Hawaii.
wypić piwo które się nawarzyło. (idiomatic) To accept or confront the unpleasant consequences of one's actions.
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to face the music
Now he's on his way home to face the music. I told you not to try to sneak in, and now that you've been caught, you're just going to have to face the music.
upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu
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to kill two birds with one stone
Biking to work kills two birds with one stone. It saves money travelling and will help to lose weight.
(mieć) ostatnie słowo w jakiejś sprawie. (idiomatic) The right to make a final decision.
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(to have) the final say. the last word
In all matters relating to the family business, mum has the final say. I have the final say on the layout design for every issue. The judge will have the final say on the divorce settlement. it's ultimately the CEO who has the last word.

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