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Frage Antworten
wsiąść do autobusu/samolotu itd.
Lernen beginnen
to get on sth
wysiąść z pociągu/autobusu/samolotu itd.
Lernen beginnen
to get off sth
przejść przez, na drugą stronę. (transitive, intransitive) To cross; to move from one side (of something) to the other, literally or figuratively
Lernen beginnen
to get across
In heavy rain, the cavalry couldn't get across the river. It's impossible to get across with all checkpoints closed.
mieć na myśli, sugerować, zmierzać, chcieć przekazać
Lernen beginnen
to get at
I don't understand. What are you getting at? What do you think she's GETTING AT? I've no idea what she wants.

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