Moja lekcja

 0    9 Datenblatt    jacekzalewski00
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have a whale of a time
They were having a whale of a time at the party.
Lernen beginnen
doskonale się bawić, świetnie się bawić
time after time
Lernen beginnen
raz za razem
in the nick of time
The ambulance arrived in the nick of time.
Lernen beginnen
w ostatniej chwili
round the clock
They've been working around the clock to meet the deadline.
Lernen beginnen
całą dobę, na okrągło, 24 godziny na dobę, dzień i noc (np. pracować)
from now on
From now on I'll try to be more understanding.
Lernen beginnen
od teraz
in the long run
You can't keep this diet in the long run.
Lernen beginnen
na dłuższą metę
once in a blue moon
We only go out once in a blue moon.
Lernen beginnen
raz na ruski rok
now and again, every now and then, every now and again, every now and then and a
We go to the theatre (every) now and then.
Lernen beginnen
niekiedy, czasami
aloud, out loud
I'll read this out loud to you.
Lernen beginnen
na głos, głośno

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