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Lernen beginnen
the way someone pronounces the words of a language, showing which country or which part of a country they come from
Lernen beginnen
to raise and then lower your shoulders in order to show that you do not know something or do not care about something
Lernen beginnen
the line of hair above your eye
cross your fingers
Lernen beginnen
used to say that you hope something will happen the way you want
roll your eyes
Lernen beginnen
to move our eyes around and up, especially in order to show that you are annoyed or think something is silly
Lernen beginnen
a movement of part of your body, especially your hands or head, to show what you mean or how you feel
Lernen beginnen
to express an opinion about someone or something
fed up
Lernen beginnen
annoyed or bored, and wanting something to change
Lernen beginnen
to deliberately make or produce something that is exactly like another thing
Lernen beginnen
to make the sound of a letter, word etc.
Lernen beginnen
speaking or behaving in a way that is not polite and is likely to offend or annoy people
Lernen beginnen
if you are aware that a situation exists, you realise or know that it exists
Lernen beginnen
the state of being able to be alone, and not seen nor heard by other people
Lernen beginnen
something or someone that is not included in a general statement or does not follow a rule or pattern
Lernen beginnen
behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people
Lernen beginnen
a telephone number that you can ring if you need advice or information
Lernen beginnen
if people interact with each other, they talk to each other, work together etc.
Lernen beginnen
not using words
body language
Lernen beginnen
changes in your body position and movements that show what you are feeling or thinking
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
throat Englisch
the front of your neck
native tongue
Lernen beginnen
the language you spoke when you first learned to speak
not speak a word of
Lernen beginnen
to not speak a particular language at all
have a big mouth
Lernen beginnen
if someone has a big mouth, they say too much or tell another person's secrets
Lernen beginnen
to stop being angry with someone and stop blaming them, although they have done something wrong
tell the difference
Lernen beginnen
to be able to see how one person or thing is different from another
tell a joke
Lernen beginnen
to repeat a funny story
tell a lie
Lernen beginnen
to say something that is not true
talk rubbish
Lernen beginnen
if you talk rubbish, you say something that is silly or wrong and does not deserve serious attention
tell a secret
Lernen beginnen
if you tell someone a secret, you tell them something that is hidden or is known about by only a few people
talk sense
Lernen beginnen
to try to make someone behave in a more sensible way
talk to yourself
Lernen beginnen
to say your thoughts out loud
it goes without saying
Lernen beginnen
used to say that something is so clearly true that it does not need to be said
actions speak louder than words
Lernen beginnen
used to say that you are judged by what you do, and not by what you say
say the word
Lernen beginnen
used to tell someone that they have only to ask and you will do what they want
say for yourself
Lernen beginnen
used to ask someone for an explanation when they have done something wrong
generally speaking
Lernen beginnen
another way of saying 'in general'
speak your mind
Lernen beginnen
to tell people exactly what you think, even if it offends them
Lernen beginnen
to say something too quietly or not clearly enough, so that other people cannot understand you
Lernen beginnen
to speak in a low voice, especially because you are annoyed about something, or you do not want people to hear you
Lernen beginnen
to speak or say something very quietly, using your breath rather than your voice
Lernen beginnen
something that is unacceptable is so wrong or bad that you think it should not be allowed
Lernen beginnen
the sound of many people hitting their hands together and shouting to show that they have enjoyed something
Lernen beginnen
to give an additional amount of money to someone such as a waiter or taxi driver
Lernen beginnen
a statement that expresses in a shorter, clearer, or different way what someone has said or written
Lernen beginnen
when a dog barks, it makes a short loud sound or series of sounds
Lernen beginnen
if an animal growls, it makes a long deep angry sound
Lernen beginnen
to move your tongue across the surface of something in order to eat it, wet it, clean it etc.
Lernen beginnen
to breathe air into your nose in order to smell something
mark its territory
Lernen beginnen
if an animal marks its territory, it does something to show that it regards a particular area as its own and will defend it against other animals
wag its tail
Lernen beginnen
if a dog wags its tail, or if its tail wags, the dog moves its tail many times from one side to the other
Lernen beginnen
someone who is trained in the study of the mind and how it influences people's behaviour
Lernen beginnen
a person who scientifically studies people, their societies, cultures etc.
Lernen beginnen
pleasant and attracting your interest
Lernen beginnen
the quality of being felt very strongly or having a strong effect
Lernen beginnen
a feeling of liking or love and caring
Lernen beginnen
to use all or most of your time, effort etc. in order to do something or help someone
Lernen beginnen
an animal that looks like a large mouse with a long tail
Lernen beginnen
a large shiny black bird with a loud cry
Lernen beginnen
a large black or brown insect that lives in dirty houses, especially if they are warm and there is food to eat
Lernen beginnen
the feeling of being annoyed about something, especially something that happens repeatedly or for a long time
Lernen beginnen
a game in which you have to think hard to solve a difficult question or problem
Lernen beginnen
to show that something is definitely true, especially by providing more proof
Lernen beginnen
an unreasonable dislike and distrust of people who are different from you in some way, especially because of their race, sex, religion etc.
Lernen beginnen
a sound or action that you make in order to give information to someone or tell them to do something
Lernen beginnen
a way of thinking about something, especially one which is influenced by the type of person you are or by your experiences
come along for the ride
Lernen beginnen
to join what other people are doing just for pleasure, not because you are seriously interested in it
receptor cell
Lernen beginnen
a nerve ending which receives information about changes in light, heat etc. and causes the body to react in particular ways
Lernen beginnen
to communicate or express something, with or without using words
Lernen beginnen
sex between animals
Lernen beginnen
the smell of a particular animal or person that some other animals, for example dogs, can follow
Lernen beginnen
a type of animal that drinks milk from its mother's body when it is young. Humans, dogs, and whales are mammals.
take advantage of
Lernen beginnen
to treat someone unfairly in order to get what you want, especially someone who is generous or easily persuaded
Lernen beginnen
the limits within which amounts, quantities, ages etc. vary
Lernen beginnen
how high or low a note or other sound is
Lernen beginnen
the number of radio waves, sound waves etc. that pass any point per second
Lernen beginnen
relating to the voice or to singing
Lernen beginnen
animals are able to work for people or live with them as pets
Lernen beginnen
something that is said or done with makes someone feel calmer and less worried or frightened about a problem
Lernen beginnen
help and advice that is given to someone about their work, education, or personal life
Lernen beginnen
to examine something carefully in order to find out more about it or to find out what's wrong with it
spy on
Lernen beginnen
to watch someone secretly in order to find out what they are doing
comings and goings
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the movements of people as they arrive at and leave places
Lernen beginnen
to start to feel tired, or make someone feel tired
Lernen beginnen
the particular combination of qualities that makes someone a particular type of person
contrary to popular belief
Lernen beginnen
used to say that something is true even though people believe the opposite
Lernen beginnen
a wild animal that looks like a large dog and lives and hunts in groups
Lernen beginnen
to believe that something someone does or something that happens has a particular meaning
his bark is worse than his bite
Lernen beginnen
used to say that someone who seems unpleasant or difficult to deal with is not really too bad
let the cat out of the bag
Lernen beginnen
to tell someone a secret, especially without intending to
put the cat among the pigeons
Lernen beginnen
to do or say something that causes arguments, trouble etc.
a big fish in a little pond
Lernen beginnen
someone who is important in or who has influence over a very small area
have kittens
Lernen beginnen
to be very anxious or upset about something
kill two birds with one stone
Lernen beginnen
to achieve two things with one action
water off a duck's back
Lernen beginnen
if criticism, warnings etc. are like water off a duck's back, they have no effect on the person you are saying them to
make a beeline
Lernen beginnen
to go quickly and directly towards someone or something
charge somebody with
Lernen beginnen
to state officially that someone may be guilty of a crime
Lernen beginnen
if animals breed, they mate in order to have babies
Lernen beginnen
a very serious disease in which cells in one part of the body start to grow in a way that is not normal
Lernen beginnen
an animal that is similar to a monkey but has no tail or only a very short tail
Lernen beginnen
relating to genes or genetics
Lernen beginnen
a group of animals or plants whose members are similar and can breed together to produce young animals or plants
Lernen beginnen
if an animal or plant reproduces, or reproduces itself, it produces young plants or animals
Lernen beginnen
a very intelligent sea animal like a fish with a long grey pointed nose
Lernen beginnen
a very large animal that lives in the sea and looks like a fish, but is actually a mammal
Lernen beginnen
a tropical bird with a curved beak and brightly coloured feathers that can be taught to copy human speech
Lernen beginnen
not the same
Lernen beginnen
very keen and excited about something that is going to happen or about something you want to do
shed light on
Lernen beginnen
to make something easier to understand, by providing new or better information
Lernen beginnen
treating difficult subjects in a way that is too simple
Lernen beginnen
someone from the western part of the world
Lernen beginnen
the upper surface of a roof
Lernen beginnen
something that is invisible cannot be seen
Lernen beginnen
someone who lives or stays in a particular place
Lernen beginnen
a big jump
Lernen beginnen
a movement in which you put your hands on the ground and your legs in the air
Lernen beginnen
someone who does breakdancing which is a type of dancing to popular music that involves a lot of jumping and rolling on the floor.
Lernen beginnen
skilful movements of your body, for example jumping through the air or balancing on a rope

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