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Frage English Antworten English
She said (that) she lived in Paris.
Reported speech
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“I live in Paris,” she said. She said that...
Direct speech
They said (that) they wanted to go on holiday.
Reported speech
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“We want to go on holiday,” they said. They said that...
Direct speech
He said (that) she was hungry.
Reported speech
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“She is hungry,” he said. He said that...
Direct speech
She said (that) she was watching a concert then.
Reported speech
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“I‘m watching a concert now,” she said. She said that...
Direct speech
Lucy said (that) she was learning English.
Reported speech
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Lucy: I’m learning English. Lucy said that...
Direct speech
He told her (that) they were leaving the next day.
Reported speech
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“We are leaving tomorrow,” he told her. He told that...
Direct speech
My neighbour told me (that) he had lived there all his life.
Reported speech
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I have lived here all my life,” my neighbour told me. My neighbour told me that...
Direct speech
They admitted (that) they had just eaten lunch.
Reported speech
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“We have just eaten lunch.” They admitted that...
Direct speech
Mary said (that) Linda had found the key.
Reported speech
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“Linda has found the key,” said Mary. Mary said that...
Direct speech
Bill said (that) they had met Mark in London.
Reported speech
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“We met Mark in London,” said Bill. Bill said that...
Direct speech
She said (that) she had gone to work by car the day before.
Reported speech
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“I went to work by car yesterday.” She Said that...
Direct speech
He answered (that) he hadn’t taken my book.
Reported speech
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“I didn’t take your book,” he answered. He answered that
Direct speech
He promised (that) he would wait for me the next day.
Reported speech
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“I will wait for you tomorrow,” he promised. He promised that...
Direct speech
She explained (that) John would give me a ring soon.
Reported speech
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“John will give you a ring soon,” she explained. She explained that...
Direct speech
He told me (that) they would visit me that afternoon.
Reported speech
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“We will visit you this afternoon.” He told me that...
Direct speech
He said (that) Eve could feed the dog.
Reported speech
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“Eve can feed the dog,” he said. He said that...
Direct speech
Mandy replied (that) she couldn’t tell me about it.
Reported speech
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“I can’t tell you about it,” Mandy replied. Mandy replied that...
Direct speech
She said (that) she could cook dinner.
Reported speech
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“I can cook dinner,” she said. She said that...
Direct speech
She said (that) we had to finish the project that day.
Reported speech
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“We must finish the project today,” she said. She said that...
Direct speech
He insisted (that) they had to leave on Saturday.
Reported speech
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“They must leave on Saturday,” he insisted. He insisted that...
Direct speech
He said (that) she had to tidy her room at that time.
Reported speech
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“She must tidy her room now,” he said. He said that...
Direct speech
Brenda explained (that) she had been swimming.
Reported speech
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“I was swimming,” Brenda explained.
Direct speech
They announced (that) Brian had been working very hard.
Reported speech
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“Brian has been working very hard,” they announced. They announced that...
Direct speech
He warned us (that) he might be early.
Reported speech
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“I may be early,” he warned us. He warned us...
Direct speech
Mike said if he met Susan, he would talk to her. (2nd conditional)
Reported speech
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“If I meet Susan, I will talk to her,” said Mike. (1st conditional)
Direct speech

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