My lesson 2

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sales clerk. is someone who serves customers in a shop. ask the salesclerk about the price.
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dependiente, despachador, empleado de un negocio.
serviceman. is a man who belongs to the armed forces. He was abroad as serviceman in the army.
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hombre militar.
oboe. is a musical instrument that is shaped like a tube and that is played by blowing into a small, thin piece at the top of the tube.
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instrumento parecido a la flauta.
The tomatoes are nearly ripe.
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Los tomates estan casi maduros.
subcompact car.
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Carro chico, subcompacto.
The soldier Bernardo was moved to a different barracks. The soldier Bernardo was moved to a different barracks.
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El soldado Bernardo fue movido a una barraca diferente.
mid-size car.
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carro mediano.
The soldiers bunk in shared barracks.
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Los soldados duermen en literas en barracas compartidas.
I don't believe that aliens have invaded, that's bunk.
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Yo no creo que los marcianos han invadido, eso es una tonteria.
S.U.V. (sport utility vehicle).
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vehiculo de doble traccion.
full size car.
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carro grande.
Sandia ?.
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moving truck. or moving van.
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camion de mudanzas.
station wagon.
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la bagoneta.
Outlet........ If there is no outlet for the rainwater, a road becomes flooded easily.
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desembocadura, salida.
trade school.
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escuela de artes y oficios.
The celery juice contains two stalks of celery.
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El jugo de apio contiene dos tallos de apio.
The Spanish dress has ruffles around the sleeves.
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El vestido Español tiene holanes alrededor de las mangas.
The bananas are nearly ripe.
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Los platanos estan casi maduros.
I just found a ripe tomato.
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Encontre solo un tomate maduro.
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la recta.
The apples are nearly ripe.
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Las manzanas estan casi maduras.
The blouse has a ruffle around the collar. The shirt has a ruffle around the collar.
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La blusa tiene un holan alrededor del cuello.
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biología. la biología.
She was wearing a fitted blouse. She was wearing a fitted blouse.
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Ella estava usando una blusa ajustada.
Don't listen to Jeff's bunk.
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No escuches las tonterias de Jeff.
Carrie broke her backbone when she fell down the stairs. - - - - backbone.
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Columna vertebral, espina dorsal, espinazo.
Carrie broke her backbone when she fell down the stairs.
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Carrie se rompio su columna vertebral cuando se cayo en las escaleras.
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luces delanteras (de un vehiculo).
burp. Quito let out a burp.
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erupto, eruptar.
dull, means not bright. dull weather.
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opaco, sin brillo. obscuro, nublado.
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raspada, raspadura.
to put on weight.
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engordar, subir de peso.
to take off weight.
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perder, quitar peso.
to come down with.
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enfermarse, contajiarse.
fangs. the fangs of a rattlesnake. The dog was barking and showing its fangs.
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colmillo. colmillos.
garment bag.
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bolsa portatrajes.
to mourn.
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estar de luto.
mournful. She has a mournful face today. That's a mournful song.
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aflijido, triste.
a mournful look.
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Una cara de funeral, una cara de luto.
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Cortinas pesadas de tela muy gruesa. (como las que hay en el cine o teatro para tapar un acenario o ventana muy grande.
What”s the name of this?.
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dresser. or bureau.
La comoda, el tocador para peinarse.
Mecha. de una vela, lampara, explosivo, etc.?
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Wick. a string or piece of material in a candle or lamp that is lit for burning. Every time there's a rain storm Kaztenni light the wick of a candle.
thimble. a small metal or plastic object that you use to protect your finger that pushes the needle when you are sewing.
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el dedal.
hook and eye.
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el gancho y la atoradera.
mini blinds.
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las minipersianas.
Every time there's a rain storm Kaztenni light the wick of a candle.
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Cada vez que hay una tormenta de lluvia, Kaztenni prende la mecha de una vela.
scrap yard. junk yard.
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Yonque (de carros viejos).
junkyard or scrap yard=is a place where you can buy, sell, or leave junk.
double decker bus.
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Autobus para turistas de doble plataforma.
striker. forward.
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winger player.
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jugador alero, lateral, de la banda. carrilero, extremo.
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Defensas, defensores. (en un equipo de futbol).
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Defensa central.
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Defensa lateral.
goalkeeper. keeper, or goalie.
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el portero, arquero. (de un equipode futbol).
substitute player.
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jugador suplente.
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el captain.
It’s nippy!.
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Hace fresquito’.
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acantilado, peñasco. precipicio.
A beautiful sunset could be seen from the cliff over the sea.
A beautiful sunset could be seen from the cliff over the sea.
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Una hermosa caida del sol puede ser vista del precipicio por encima del mar.
pie pan.
Molde para hornear (pie).=pie pan.
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Molde para hornear (pai).
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I took my old car to the scrap yard or junk yard.
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LLevé mi carro viejo al yonke.
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sala, sala de espera, sala de estancia, cuarto de espera, sala de viajeros, bar, cafetería.
to lounge. She was lounging on the sofa. He was lounging by the pool all afternoon.
lounge= to sit or lie in a relaxed way, or to spend time resting or relaxing.
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perder el tiempo, holgazanear.
Magazines, newspapers, journals, and so forth are on the second floor of the library.
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Revistas, periodicos, diarios, etcétera estan en el segundo piso.
and so forth or and so on= etcétera.
I had to fill in a form with my name, address, and so forth.
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Tube que llenar una forma con mi nombre, direccion, etcétera...
and so forth or and so on= etcétera.
First we preheat the oven, and then we measure the ingredients, mix the eggs with the sugar, and so on and so forth.
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Primero precalentar el horno, y luego medimos los ingredientes, mezclamos los huevos con el azúcar, y demás.
and so forth or and so on= y demás.
She wanted to know about my family, my childhood, my hopes and fears, and so on and so forth.
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Ella quería saber acerca de mi familia, mi infancia, mis esperanzas y temores, y demás...
and so forth or and so on= y demás.
I bought milk, eggs, bread, and so on.
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Compré leche, huevos, pan, etcétera...
and so forth or and so on= etcétera.
She has never fancied large dinner parties.
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Ella nunca ha le han gustado grandes cenas.
fancy= informal: to like, take pleasure in (something), to want to have, to imagine or do (something).
Which horse do you fancy in the Derby?
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Qué caballo te apetece en el Derby?
fancy= informal: to like, take pleasure in (something), to want to have, to imagine or do (something).
Do you fancy another drink?.
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¿Te apetece otra copa ?.
fancy= informal: to like, take pleasure in (something), to want to have, to imagine or do (something).
I have a hard time fancying you as a father.
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Tengo un tiempo dificil imaginandote como padre.
fancy= informal: to like, take pleasure in (something), to want to have, to imagine or do (something).
“The baby she brought home was the wrong one.” “Fancy that!”.
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"El bebé que trajo a casa era el equivocado." "imaginate eso!".
fancy= informal: to like, take pleasure in (something), to want to have, to imagine or do (something). Fantasiar, soñar despierto.
He fancied that we would win the sweepstake.
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Él soñaba despierto con que ganáriamos la lotería.
fancy= informal: to like, take pleasure in (something), to want to have, to imagine or do (something). Fantasiar, soñar despierto.
Karen was still mourning her mother when her best friend died.
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Karen todavía estaba de luto por su madre cuando su mejor amiga murió.
Javier was still mourning his father when his brother died.
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Javier todavía estaba de luto por su padre cuando su hermano murió.
to DISS, or DIS ........ Hey, Donal, don't diss our country.
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insultar, faltar el respeto a... Hey, Donal, no critiques o le faltes el respeto a nuestro país.
to diss or dis... criticar o faltar el respeto a.
to diss, or dis... George Ramos got dissed by Mister Trump.
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insultar, faltar el respeto a... Jorge Ramos fue insultado por el señor Trump...
to get diss= insultar.
I got DISSED by that old woman. ------------------ to dis/diss.
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insultar, faltar el respeto a... Fui insultado por esa vieja mujer.
to get diss= insultar.
to diss, or dis... Hey, Elvis, don't diss our country.
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insultar, faltar el respeto a... Hey, Elvis, no critiques o le faltes el respeto a nuestro país.
to get diss= insultar.
I can't spare the time to talk to him at this moment.
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No puedo perder el tiempo para hablar con el en este momento.
I can't spare the time to talk to her now.
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No puedo perder el tiempo para hablar con ella ahorita.
Can you spare your driver for a few days?.
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¿Me prestas a tu chofer unos dias?.
Can you spare your maid Emma for a few days?.
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¿Me prestas a tu criada Emma unas horas?.
pigpen. (US).
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chiquero, pocilga.
pigsty. (UK).
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chiquero, pocilga.
Kaztenni's room is a real sty.
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El cuarto de Kaztenni es una auténtico chiquero.
stye. and sty.
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orzuelo y chiquero.
Kaz clean your sty.
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Kaz limpia tu chiquero.
Quito clean your sty.
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Quito limpia tu chiquero.
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pavo real.
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viñero, planta que da racimos de huvas. parra, vid.
grapevine. vine grower, a plant that produces clusters of huvas. vine, vine
viñero, planta que da racimos de huvas. parra, vid.
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grapevine. viñero, planta que da racimos de huvas. parra, vid.
What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over.
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Ojos que no ven corazón que no siente.

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