okresy warunkowe

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okres zerowy - coś co zawsze jest prawdą
If + present simple, present simple
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period zero - something that is always true
If you don't eat, you die.
If you heat water over 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
Pierwszy warunkowy - wydarzenie w przyszłości, które ma szansę się wydarzyć
If + present simple, will + bezokolicznik
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First conditional
She will kiss you, if you give her flowers.
If the weather is fine on Sunday, we will go for a walk
drugi okres warunkowy - niewielka szansa że się wydarzy
If + past Simple + would + bezokolicznik
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second conditional
If you got touched that pan, you would burn your hands. Dad could call Phill, if he had his phone with him.
If I were you I would buy this CD
trzeci okres warunkowy - używany zwykle do narzekania na cos
had + 3 forma, would have + 3 forna
If + past Perfect l, future perfect in the past
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third conditional - usually used to complain about something
If you had come earlier, I wouldn't have had to wait for you so long. We would have got married many years ago if I would have been more courageous.
If I had met Susan last week, I would have given her the book.
Najlepiej oprocentowane są inwestycje w wiedzę.
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The investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
trzymać kciuki
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keep your fingers crossed
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