Luxembourgish in 1 day
Learn basic Luxembourgish without effort!
Do you want to learn the language of Robert Schuman, one of the founders of the European Union?
Learn the meaning of the untranslatable word “Gemittlechkeet”!
Impress the 400.000 people that speak the language with your Luxembourgish!
You will see that learning this language is a piece of cake!
Dieser Kurs ist 100% kostenlos. Wir geben es Ihnen, Sie sich so effizient sehen konnte und angenehm können Sie bei uns lernen :)
Andere Kurse
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Luxembourgish in 1 dayKitchen vocabulary in LuxembourgishTop 500 Luxembourgish verbsTop 1000 Luxembourgish nounsLuxembourgish: day 2 Small Talk in LuxembourgishLuxembourgish for childrenLuxembourgish Words: Top 300 adjectives and adverbs