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The doctor gave me an antibiotic for my ear infection. (ˌæntibaɪˈɒtɪk)
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If you have an allergic reaction you should take an antihistamine. (ˌæntiˈhɪstəmiːn)
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She cleaned the cut with antiseptic cream. (ˌæntiˈseptɪk kriːm)
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I feel terrible – I think I’m going to be sick. (bi sɪk)
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A cut finger can sometimes bleed for a long time. (bliːd)
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You will get a blister if you wear shoes that are too tight. (ˈblɪstə)
(wysokie / niskie) ciśnienie (krwi) Lernen beginnen
(high / low) blood pressure My grandmother has high blood pressure and takes medication for it. (/ˈblʌd preʃə/)
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Don’t touch that pan – it will burn you. (bɜːn)
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Be careful not to choke on that boiled sweet. (tʃəʊk)
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I get at least one cold every winter. (kəʊld)
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If you pour cold water on his face he might come round. (kʌm raʊnd)
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He has a nasty cough that keeps him awake at night. (kɒf)
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I cut my finger when I was chopping carrots. (kʌt)
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I had diarrhoea last night and had to go to the toilet six times. (daɪəˈrɪə)
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If I don’t eat enough I feel dizzy. (ˈdɪzi)
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I have an earache and it’s really painful. (ˈɪəreɪk)
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I faint when I see blood. (feɪnt)
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My teacher has flu and hasn’t been at school all week. (fluː)
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I ate some mussels and they gave me food poisoning. (ˈfuːd pɔɪzənɪŋ)
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It often takes a long time to get over flu. (ɡet ˈəʊvə)
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If you have a headache take some paracetamol. (ˈhedeɪk)
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Does your back hurt after driving so long? (hɜːt)
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Put ice on a black eye to keep the swelling down. (aɪs)
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If you get an infection you will need to take antibiotics. (ɪnˈfekʃn)
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Please lie down on the couch. (ˌlaɪ ˈdaʊn)
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Call an ambulance – I think he’s going to lose consciousness. (luːz ˈkɒnʃəsnəs)
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After the operation you will need to take a painkiller for a few days. (ˈpeɪnkɪlə)
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I’m so tired I think I’m going to pass out. (pɑːs aʊt)
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My mum put a plaster on my cut. (ˈplɑːstə)
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One of the symptoms of measles is a red rash. (ræʃ)
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How long does it normally take to recover from flu? (rɪˈkʌvə)
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Cat hair makes me sneeze. (sniːz)
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I can’t talk too long because I have a sore throat. (sɔ θrəʊt)
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Be careful with that medicine – don’t spill it. (spɪl)
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I saw the room spin and then I fainted. (spɪn)
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I don’t play tennis because I’m afraid I might sprain my wrist. (spreɪn)
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I needed stitches for the cut on my head. (ˈstɪtʃɪz)
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I’ve eaten too much and now I’ve got stomach ache. (ˈstʌmək eɪk)
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Don’t stay out in the sun too long or you will get sunburn. (ˈsʌnbɜːn)
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Does it hurt when you swallow food? (ˈswɒləʊ)
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This bee sting is starting to swell. (swel)
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Take one tablet before you go to sleep. (ˈtæblət)
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I’ve got a high temperature and I feel feverish. (ˈtemprətʃə)
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A few minutes after drinking the liquid I had to run to the bathroom and throw up. (θrəʊ ʌp)
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If you have toothache you should go to see the dentist. (ˈtuːθeɪk)
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Watch out – you don’t want to twist your ankle. (twɪst)
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She was unconscious so I phoned an ambulance. (ʌnˈkɒnʃəs)
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Some people vomit when they travel by boat in rough seas. (ˈvɒmɪt)
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I wore a checked shirt to the party. (tʃekt)
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I always wear a cotton vest under my clothes in winter. (ˈkɒtn vest)
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I saved up to buy a denim waistcoat. (ˈdenɪm ˈweɪs(t)kəʊt)
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I’m going to dress up tonight. (dres ʌp)
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Long skirts are really fashionable this summer. (ˈfæʃnəbl)
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These jeans don’t fit me. (fɪt)
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I love that coat with the fur collar. (fɜː ˈkɒlə)
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I need to get changed. (ɡet 'tʃeɪndʒd)
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Get up and get dressed. (ɡet drest)
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Hurry up and get undressed! (ɡet ʌnˈdrest)
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I don’t think that skirt will go with this top. (ɡəʊ wɪð)
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Please hang up your coat. (ˈhæŋ ʌp)
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Lots of teenagers like to wear hooded tops. (ˈhʊdɪd)
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I wore a black lace top on our first date. (leɪs tɒp)
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He wore brown leather sandals every day on his holiday. (ˈleðə ˈsændlz)
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He wore a beige linen suit at the wedding. (ˈlɪnɪn suːt)
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I wore a blue long sleeved shirt. (lɒŋ sliːvd)
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He was wearing a loose linen suit. (luːs)
kostium kąpielowy z lycry Lernen beginnen
I bought myself a new lycra swimsuit. (ˈlaɪkrə ˈswɪmsuːt)
pasować do czegoś (kolorem, fasonem) Lernen beginnen
Does this bag match my shoes? (mætʃ)
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My grandfather always wears very old-fashioned clothes. (əʊld ˈfæʃənd)
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She wore a patterned skirt with flowers on. (ˈpætənd)
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I tried on a plain blue top. (pleɪn)
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My teenage brother always looks really scruffy and dirty. (ˈskrʌfi)
jedwabny(a) szalik, apaszka Lernen beginnen
That’s a beautiful silk scarf. (sɪlk skɑːf)
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I wore a sleeveless dress to the wedding. (ˈsliːvləs)
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You need to look smart when we go out for dinner tonight. (smɑːt)
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She wore a pink and white spotted dress to the party. (ˈspɒtɪd)
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I wore a blue and white striped T-shirt on the beach. (straɪpt)
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Good dressers have their own style. (staɪl)
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That’s a really stylish dress. (ˈstaɪlɪʃ)
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I bought myself some lovely brown suede boots. (sweɪd buːts)
pasować (komuś), być do twarzy Lernen beginnen
Those glasses really suit you. (suːt)
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She was wearing a tight lycra skirt. (taɪt)
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She always looks really trendy. (ˈtrendi)
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There is a velvet bow tie in my wardrobe. (ˈvelvɪt bəʊ tʌɪ)
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He always wears a V-neck jumper over his shirts. (ˈviː nek)
wełniany sweter rozpinany Lernen beginnen
My nan knitted me a blue woollen cardigan. (ˈwʊlən ˈkɑːdɪɡən)
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They won’t allow you to visit the hospital until the evening. (əˈlaʊ)
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I used an alternative remedy – a herbal barrier cream – to cure my hayfever. (ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv ˈremədi)
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An ambulance arrived to take the injured people to hospital. (ˈæmbjələns)
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I take an aspirin every day. (ˈæsprɪn)
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Lots of illnesses are caused by bacteria. (bækˈtɪəriə)
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My grandfather is blind now so he uses a white stick. (blaɪnd)
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The doctor sent me for a blood test at the hospital. (ˈblʌd test)
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I might break down and cry if you ask me about when my grandma died. (ˈbreɪk daʊn)
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The doctor did a test to find out my cholesterol level. (kəˈlestərɒl)
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I don’t like wearing glasses so I wear contact lenses. (ˈkɒntækt lenzɪz)
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You’ll damage your teeth if you try to open that bottle with them. (ˈdæmɪdʒ)
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Lots of old people become deaf. (def)
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Could you deal with the problems of old age? (diːl wɪð)
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The doctor gave me the wrong diagnosis. (ˌdaɪəɡˈnəʊsɪs)
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My grandmother wears false teeth. (fɔːls tiːθ)
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Have you ever had to give first aid to anyone? (ˌfɜːst ˈeɪd)
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Teenagers often go through a lot of difficult times. (gəʊ θrːu)
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I wore a grey wig to make myself look older. (ɡreɪ wɪɡ)
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She told me that my heart rate was a bit fast. (hɑːt reɪt)
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Hidden cameras recorded how other people reacted to them. (ˈhɪdn)
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I had an injection to take the pain away. (ɪnˈdʒekʃn)
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I convinced myself that I had a life-threatening illness. (ˈlaɪf θretnɪŋ)
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Would you know what to do in a medical emergency? (ˈmedɪkl)
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You haven’t taken your medicine yet. (ˈmedsn)
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Some homeopathic remedies claim to be a miracle cure. (ˈmɪrəkl kjʊə)
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I have a painful mouth ulcer on the end of my tongue. (maʊθ ˈʌlsə)
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Have you ever had an operation? (ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn)
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I took some paracetamol to get rid of my headache. (ˌpærəˈsiːtəmɒl)
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Since my trip to hospital I’ve been obsessively checking my pulse. (pʌls)
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What kinds of websites does she recommend? (ˌrekəˈmend)
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Playing the role of an old person made me feel emotional. (rəʊl)
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I was told that I needed heart surgery. (ˈsɜːdʒəri)
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Fever is one symptom of flu. (ˈsɪmptəm)
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What’s the best way to treat a nosebleed? (triːt)
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A typical image of an old person is someone with a walking stick waiting at a bus stop. (ˈtɪpɪkl)
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A few weeks ago I was feeling under the weather. (ˈʌndə ðə ˈweðə)
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Colds are caused by a virus. (ˈvaɪrəs)
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Wash the wound under running water. (wuːnd)
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That old lady has really wrinkled skin. (ˈrɪŋkld)
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He had an X-ray to see if he had broken his leg. (ˈeks reɪ)