parzyste kości twarzy

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Frage Antworten
kość nosowa
Lernen beginnen
nasal bone, piriform aperture, nasal foramen, ethmoidal groove
kość jarzmowa
Lernen beginnen
zygomatic bone, lateral/temporal/orbital surface, zygomaticofacial/zygomaticotemporal/zygomatico-orbital foramen, infra-orbital margin, frontal/temporal process, maxillary process
kość łzowa
Lernen beginnen
lacrimal bone, posterior lacrimal crest, lacrimal groove, fossa for lacrimal sac
małżowina nosowa dolna
Lernen beginnen
inferior nasal concha, maxillary process, ethmoidal process, lacrimal process
szczęka, trzon
Lernen beginnen
maxilla, body, maxillary paranasal sinus, orbital surface, inferior orbital fissure, infra-orbital groove, infra-orbital canal, infra-orbital foramen, anterior surface, infra-orbital margin, zygomaticoalveolar crest, anterior nasal spine, nasal notch
Lernen beginnen
posterior surface, maxillary tuberosity, alveolar foramina of maxilla, nasal surface of maxilla, maxillary hiatus, greater palatine groove, greater palatine canal, conchal crest, lacrimal groove of maxilla, nasolacrimal canal
wyrostek jarzmowy i czołowy szczęki
Lernen beginnen
zygomatic process, frontal process, ethmoidal crest, conchal crest, anterior lacrimal crest, fossa for lacrimal sac
wyrostek zębodołowy i podniebienny szczęki
Lernen beginnen
alveolar process, alveolar arch, dental alveoli, interalveolar septa, alveolar yokes, palatine process, median palatine suture, nasal crest, transverse palatine suture, incisive foramen/fossa, bony palate, hard palate
kość podniebienna
Lernen beginnen
palatine bone, horizontal plate, nasal crest, perpendicular plate, nasal surface, maxillary surface, conchal crest, ethmoidal crest
kość podniebienna 2
Lernen beginnen
greater palatine groove, pterygopalatine groove, sphenopalatine notch, orbital process, sphenoidal process, pyramidal process, greater palatine foramen, lesser palatine foramina

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