passive voice summarising verbs

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to state that something bad is a fact without giving proof:
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School districts are alleging the state has not continued to finance schools adequately. She is alleged to have been at the centre of an international drug ring.
to refuse to accept something or someone as true, good, or reasonable:
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He repudiated the allegation/charge/claim that he had tried to deceive them.
to express or think what someone else has said or thought:
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Brownell’s comments echoed the opinion of the majority of the commission members.
to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something:
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She acknowledged having been at fault. Historians generally acknowledge her as a genius in her field. He didn't even acknowledge my presence (= show that he had seen me).
to express to someone your strong official disapproval of them:
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reprimand (sb for doing sth)
She was reprimanded by her teacher for biting another girl.
to give someone extra or missing information (PV)
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fill sb in on
I filled her in on the latest gossip.
to warn someone secretly about something that will happen, so that they can take action or prevent it from happening (PV)
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tip sb off
Somebody must have tipped the burglars off that the house would be empty. The robber was caught when someone tipped off the police.

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