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Mr Kidder Araneda said, hey Kid, stop (- -) around and listen to me!. Juguetear como niño Arededor, kidiar, hacer y decir tonterias, divertirse, entretenerse, jugar perdiendo el tiempo. to behave in a silly way. (see also: clown around, mess around, play around). Lernen beginnen
KID AROUND. ----- Hey Kind, stop "kidding around" and listen to me!. -------- KID AROUND. Hey Kito, deja de hacer y decir tonterias y escuchame. His friends thought Donal was "kidding around" when he made choking sounds, but when his face turned red they knew he was really choking. ------------ KID AROUND.
Kicke Araneda said that once a week the whole team gets together to (Discutir opciones e ideas) a few ideas. Discutir opciones ideas, patear opciones e ideas. to discuss one of several ideas with a group of people, informally. (see also: toss around). Lernen beginnen
KICK AROUND something. --- Kicke Araneda said that once a week the whole team gets together to "kick around" a few ideas. ----------- KICK AROUND something. something. Emilio Ascarraga dijo que una vez a la semana todo el equipo se reune para discutir unas cuantas ideas. Teacher Melany said, we should have a brainstorming session and "kick around" a few of our latest ideas. ----------- KICK AROUND something.
Miss Looky Araneda said, Chicago it's such a beautiful city, it's a shame we didn't have more time to (L - -) AROUND. Echar un ojo Alrededor, lookiar, echar un vistazo a algo alrededor. to walk through a room, building or around a place and see what is in. (see also: check out). Lernen beginnen
LOOK AROUND. ----- Ceci said, Chicago it's such a beautiful city, it's a shame we didn't have more time to "look around". ---------- look around. Ceci dijo, Chicago es una ciudad tan hermosa que es una pena que no tuvieramos mas tiempo para echar un vistazo. Hey Jane, have you "looked around" the new bilding yet?. It looks great!. -------- Look Around.
Looky Araneda said, I've been (lo - - around for) a new job. Buscar alrededor por algo, lookiar por algo. to try to find something you want [e.g. job] by asking different people or by looking in different places. Lernen beginnen
LOOK AROUND FOR. --- Looky said, I've been "looking around for" a new job. ----- look around for. Tribilin dijo, He estado buscando alrededor por un nuevo trabajo. Bolillo said, we’ve started "looking around for" a house in Atlanta. ------------ look around for.
Mr Mastruany said, the new guys at Hadady (P. AROUND) too much when they should be working. Jugar perdiendo el tiempo Alrededor, playear, divertirse, entretenerse perdiendo el tiempo. to behave in a silly way. (see also: kid around, mess around, clown around). Lernen beginnen
PLAY AROUND/ABOUT. ---- The new pleybes at Hadady "play around" too much when they should be working. ----- PLAY AROUND/ABOUT. Los nuevos muchachos en Hadady pierden el tiempo jugando demasiado cuando deberian estar trabajando. The kids love "playing around" with our big old dogs Smelly and Stinky. They throw things around the back garden and the dogs fetch them. ------------ play around/about.
Pushy Araneda told me that tomorrow in Pepe's restaurant he is not going to let them (- -) him ABOUT any more. Mandonear groseramente Alrededor, pushear, jalonear. to tell someone what to do in a rude or threatening way. (see also: rough up). Lernen beginnen
PUSH AROUND/ABOUT somebody. --- Pushy told me that tomorrow in Pepe's restaurant he is not going to let them "push him about" any more. ----- PUSH AROUND/ABOUT somebody. Julio Ramirez me dijo que en el restaurant Pepes anoche no los iba a dejar que lo maltrataran más. Fernando said last night in the Pepe's restaurant that his son wants to learn boxing so that bullies, at his school won’t be able to "push him around" so easily. ---------------------- PUSH AROUND/ABOUT somebody.
Mr Runny Araneda said, the kids were (- -) ARAOUND at the beach. Correr por ahi alrededor, correr Abas/alrededor. to run in an area while playing. Lernen beginnen
RUN AROUND/ABOUT. ---- Ines said, the kids were "running around" at the beach. ------ RUN AROUND/ABOUT. Ines dijo, los niños estaban corriendo por ahi en la playa. Yadira said, the children were "running around" outside. ---------- run around/about.
Mom always says, joking and (- -) AROUND is fun, but it won’t pay the bills. Payasear, divertirse, entretenerse, jugar perdiendo el tiempo. Payasear Alrededor. to behave in a silly way. (see also: kid around, mess around, play around). Lernen beginnen
CLOWN AROUND. ---- Mom always says, joking and CLOWNING AROUND is fun, but it won’t pay the bills. -------- CLOWN AROUND. Mi mama dijo, bromeando y perdiendo el tiempo payaseando es divertido pero no pagara los billes. We were laughing at Pascual as he danced around. But then our boss came in and said, ’OK guys. Enough "clowning around". -------- clown around.
Mrs Jerky Araneda said I hope Luis Miguel doesn't (- -) Aracely AROUND like he did with his last girlfriend. Ver la cara, engañar, jerkiar. to be unfair or dishonest with (someone): to lie to or cheat (someone). Lernen beginnen
JERK someone ROUND/AROUND. ---- I hope Luis Miguel doesn't "jerk Aracely around" like he did with his last girlfriend. ------- JERK someone ROUND/AROUND. Espero que Luis Miguel no le vea la cara a Aracely Arambula como le hizo a su novia anterior. Maria Elena Salinas said that consumers are often "jerked around" by big companies. ----- JERK someone ROUND/AROUND.
Mr Arser Araneda said that Ramon spent the day (- -) around under the chassis washing his phone. Hacerle al tonto, perder el tiempo. Arsear Alreddor. to waste your time, especially by behaving in a way that is not sensible. Lernen beginnen
ARSE AROUND. ---- Ramon spent the day arsing around under the chassis washing his phone. -------- ARSE AROUND. Ramón paso el dia perdiendo el tiempo abajo del chassis viendo su telefono. I spend my days sitting in school wishing I wasn't there, and then coming home and arsing around on the computer. -------- ARSE AROUND.
Mr Ask Roundy said, let's (- -) them ROUND for a meal next week. Preguntar si quiere ir a, Invitar a la casa, preguntar si quiere venir de visita redondo. To invite to somebody's house. Lernen beginnen
ASK somebody ROUND. (UK).----- Let's ask them round for a meal next week. ---- ASK somebody ROUND. Vamos a pedirles que vengan a comer la proxima semana. I'd like to ask them round on Saturday? We'll be in all day. ------ ASK somebody ROUND. (UK).
Jashua’s used to (- -) his little brother AROUND. Mandonear alrededor siendo agresivo, bossear. Behaving in a bossy and aggressive way towards others. Lernen beginnen
BOSS AROUND. ------ Jashua’s used to bossing his little brother around. ------- BOSS AROUND. Jashua solia mandonear a su hermanito. Don't boss me around Ceci. ------- BOSS AROUND.
Mr Spinner Araneda said that the Earth (- -) AROUND on its axis once a day. Girar, voltear, spiniar, virar alrededor. to turn or cause someone or something to turn around repeatedly. Lernen beginnen
SPIN AROUND. ------- The Earth spins around on its axis once a day. ----- SPIN AROUND. La tierra jira alrededor sobre su eje una vez al dia. He grabbed her and spun her around quickly. ----- SPIN AROUND.
Laila Aranada just (- -) AROUND the house all day. Echarse, acostarse para echar la hueva, por ahi, lai alrededor sin hacer nada. to spend time being lazy when you should be doing something Lernen beginnen
LIE AROUND. -------- Laila just LIES AROUND the house all day. - - - - LIE AROUND. LIE AROUND. -------- The teenager Kaz chose to lie around for most of the day. He just lies around the house all day... You said you would mow the lawn, but all you've done today is lie around the house. --------- LIE AROUND.