Firefighters told people to move away from the fire. ------- move away. Moverse lejos, alejarse, irse, apartarse. to step back. Lernen beginnen
Moverse lejos, alejarse, irse, apartarse. to step back. Donal bent to kiss Melania but she "moved away". ------- move away.
Campaigners are encouraging the government to move away from nuclear power and use alternative sources. ------ move away. Alejarse, apartarse. to stop using or doing something and to begin to use or do something else instead. Lernen beginnen
Alejarse, apartarse. to stop using or doing something and to begin to use or do something else instead. A lot of young people in Britain are moving away from eating meat. ------- move away.
I've never "backed away" from a challenge. ------- back away. Retirarse, echarse para atras. to move backwards away from someone or something, usually because you are afraid. Lernen beginnen
Retirarse, echarse para atras. to move backwards away from someone or something, usually because you are afraid. Melania saw that Donal had a gun and backed away. ------- back away.
A group of National Party members broke away in 1982, protesting against the reforms. ------- break away. Separarse, desvincularse. to stop being part of a group because you disagree with them or because you do not want to be controlled by them. Lernen beginnen
Separarse, desvincularse. to stop being part of a group because you disagree with them or because you do not want to be controlled by them. At the age of 19, she broke away from her family and moved to New York. ------- break away.
Obama said, "Keep away" from that man - he's a known criminal. ------- keep away. Mantenerse lejos de. to not go somewhere or near something, or to prevent someone or something from going somewhere or near something. Lernen beginnen
Mantenerse lejos de. to not go somewhere or near something, or to prevent someone or something from going somewhere or near something. There was a notice warning people to keep away from the edge of the cliff. ------- keep away.
A neighbour with a baseball bat finally "scared the dog away". ------- scare away. Espantar, ahuyentar. to make a person or animal so frightened that they go away. Lernen beginnen
Espantar, ahuyentar. to make a person or animal so frightened that they go away. Ceci ran out into the garden clapping his hands to scare the birds away. ------- scare away.
Don't "shy away" from people just because they're different. ------- shy away. Mantenerse al margen, evitar inmescuirse en. to avoid doing something, usually because you are afraid or you lack the confidence to do it. Lernen beginnen
Mantenerse al margen, evitar inmescuirse en. to avoid doing something, usually because you are afraid or you lack the confidence to do it. Emmy Chavez tends to shy away from anything that involves public speaking. ------- shy away.
Tourists "stayed away", frightened by more than a year of violence. ------- stay away. Mantenerse alejado de. to avoid something that has a bad effect on you. Lernen beginnen
Mantenerse alejado de. to avoid something that has a bad effect on you. I think he should stay away from drugs of any sort. ------- stay away.
I’ve been "slaving away" all day while you’ve been out enjoying yourself. ------- slave away. trabajar como negro, trabajar duro. to work very hard with little or no rest. Lernen beginnen
trabajar como negro, trabajar duro. to work very hard with little or no rest. I've been slaving away at the the housework all morning. ------- slave away.
The waitress took our plates away. ------- take away. Remover, quitar. to remove something from where it was and put it somewhere else. Lernen beginnen
Remover, quitar. to remove something from where it was and put it somewhere else. Police "took Oviedo's driving license away" for six months. ------- take away.
Michelle Obama "wiped away" her tears and tried to smile. ------- wipe off or wipe away. Secar, remover, limpiar. to clean or dry something by moving a cloth or something soft over it. Lernen beginnen
Secar, remover, limpiar. to clean or dry something by moving a cloth or something soft over it. All their customer information was "wiped away/off" the computer by a virus. ------- wipe off or wipe away.