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As the damaged plane landed in Chicago, emergency workers "stood by" in case it crashed or caught fire. ------------- STAND BY.
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estar preparado. to wait and be ready to do something or to help.
In Washington DC police were "standing by", ready to step in if the protest became violent. -------- STAND BY.
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estar preparado. to wait and be ready to do something or to help.
The owners of Waltmart store are "standing by" their agreement to lower prices. ---------------------- STAND BY somebody.
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Mantenerse firme. to continue to have a particular belief or opinion, even though other people have doubts about it or disagree with you.
Donal said, I "stand by" what I said earlier: patients need to be told about the risks associated with the drug. ---------------------- STAND BY somebody.
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Mantenerse firme. to continue to have a particular belief or opinion, even though other people have doubts about it or disagree with you.
Melany has vowed to "stand by" her husband who has just been jailed for assault. ---------------------- STAND BY somebody.
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Apoyar a. to continue to support or help someone when they are in a difficult situation.
Evaristo promised to "stand by" her if she decided to have the baby. ---------------------- STAND BY somebody.
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Apoyar a. to continue to support or help someone when they are in a difficult situation.
Hilary’s a very loyal friend. If you have a problem, she’ll "stick by" you and help you out as much as she can. ---------------------- STICK BY somebody.
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Apegarse a seguir apoyando a alguien, aferrarse a alguien, apoyar a. to continue to support someone when they are having problems. (see also: back (sb) up).
(Stickear - Bye - alguien).
Luis Gutierrez said, I'll "stick by" you guys whatever happens. ---------------------- STICK BY somebody.
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Apegarse a seguir apoyando a alguien, aferrarse a alguien, apoyar a, Stickear Bye. to continue to support someone when they are having problems. (see also: back (sb) up).
(Stickear - Bye - alguien).
Seguir en lo dicho, apegarse a lo dicho, stickear en lo dicho, bayarta en lo dicho, mantenerse en lo dicho, seguir firme en lo dicho. - - - - President Trump said, I'll stick by what I said in my campaign.
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STICK BY something........ President Trump said, I'll stick by what I said in my campaign. -------- STICK BY something.
The US government intends to stick by its planned cuts, despite criticisms. -------- STICK BY something.
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El gobierno de Estados Unidos tiene la intención de mantener sus recortes planeados, a pesar de las críticas. -------- MANTENERSE EN ALGO.
(Stickear - Bye - algo).
I can post the parcel for you if you like Ceci. I "pass by" the post office on my way to work, so it wouldn’t be any trouble for me. ---------------- PASS BY.
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Pasar de visita, pasar de volado por un lugar. to visit somewhere for a short time, usually while you are going somewhere else. (see also: stop by, go by).
Maggy said, I'll "pass by" the shop on my way home and buy a paper. ---------------------- PASS BY.
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Pasar de visita, pasar de volado por un lugar. to visit somewhere for a short time, usually while you are going somewhere else. (see also: stop by, go by).
Madona said, money was tight, but we somehow managed to "scrape by". ---------------------- scrape by/along.
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Arreglarselalas con lo justo para vivir. to manage to live when you do not have much money. (See also: scrape along).
Carmela's "scraping by" on just a few hundred dollars a month. ---------------------- scrape by/along.
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Arreglarselalas con lo justo para vivir. to manage to live when you do not have much money. (See also: scrape along).
Hey Efrain, Can I "run a few suggestions by" you?. ---------------------- RUN something BY someone.
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Repetir algo. Sugerir. to repeat what they have just said; to tell someone about something so that they can give their opinion about it. (See also: run past).
I would like to "run some ideas by" you Jane before we agree to the deal said Mastruany. --------------RUN something BY someone.
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Repetir algo. Sugerir. to repeat what they have just said; to tell someone about something so that they can give their opinion about it. (See also: run past).
Can you "run that by" me again please?. ---------------------- RUN something BY someone.
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Repetir algo. Sugerir. to repeat what they have just said; to tell someone about something so that they can give their opinion about it. (See also: run past).
Hey Mike Pence, please "run that past" me again. ---------------------- run past.
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Repetir algo. Sugerir. to repeat what they have just said; to tell someone about something so that they can give their opinion about it. (See also: run by).
You'd better "run this past" the boss Ignacio. ---------------------- run past.
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Repetir algo. Sugerir. to repeat what they have just said; to tell someone about something so that they can give their opinion about it. (See also: run by).
Could you "run that past" me again please?. ---------------------- run past.
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Repetir algo. Sugerir. to repeat what they have just said; to tell someone about something so that they can give their opinion about it. (See also: run by).
We’re driving up to Washington said Donal, and on the way we’ll "stop by" my aunt’s house in Baltimore. --------- STOP BY.
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Nos dirigiremos a Washington, dijo Donal, y en el camino "pasaremos por" la casa de mi tía en Baltimore. --------- PASA POR NOSOTROS.
Martin said, I thought I might "stop by" on my way home as I haven't seen you Laura for ages. --------------- STOP BY.
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Parar para visitar, pasar de volado por un lugar. to visit a person or place for a short time, usually when you are going somewhere else. (see also: call on, drop by (inf), stop off (at).

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