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RUN something/somebody OVER. ------- Noe Ramirez said, I was nearly "run over" by a bus this morning. If Manolo Orack hadn’t yelled out, I could’ve been killed. --------------- RUN something/somebody OVER. Atropellar. to hit someone or something with a vehicle and drive over them, injuring or killing them. (see also: run down). Lernen beginnen
Atropellar. to hit someone or something with a vehicle and drive over them, injuring or killing them. (see also: run down). RUN something/somebody OVER. ------- I'm so sorry neighbor; I accidentally "ran over" your cat!. -------------- run something/somebody over.
PULL OVER. ------- Essy said, no need to drive me all the way home. If you "pull over" here, I’ll jump out and catch a bus. --------------- pull over. Orillarse, hacerse a un lado. to drive a car to the side of the road in order to stop. (see also: pull in, pull up). Lernen beginnen
Orillarse, hacerse a un lado. to drive a car to the side of the road in order to stop. (see also: pull in, pull up). PULL OVER. ------- Manuel Oviedo said, I was looking for somewhere to "pull over" my car so I could have a look at the map. --------------- pull over.
PASS somebody OVER. ------- Lorenzo said, hey Tribilin, I’m sorry to hear you didn’t get the promotion this time, but I’m sure you’ll get it next time. They won’t pass you over again. --------------- PASS somebody OVER. No considerar, no tomar en cuenta, pasar por alto. to not give someone a job or a higher position and give it to someone else who is younger or less experienced. Lernen beginnen
No considerar, no tomar en cuenta, pasar por alto. to not give someone a job or a higher position and give it to someone else who is younger or less experienced. PASS somebody OVER. ------- Cathy Williams claims that she was "passed over" because she was pregnant. --------------- PASS somebody OVER.
(be) LEFT OVER. ------- Celin Dion never throws food away. If there’s anything left over, she wraps it up and puts it in the fridge. --------------- (be) LEFT OVER. Sobrante, lo que quedo. if an amount of money or food is left over, it remains when the rest has been used or eaten. Lernen beginnen
Sobrante, lo que quedo. if an amount of money or food is left over, it remains when the rest has been used or eaten. (be) LEFT OVER. ------ Laura Gonzalez said, there was $10 "left over" after we'd bought the present so we bought some flowers as well. --------------- (be) left over.
Can't/Couldn't GET OVER something. -------- Oviedo still can’t "get over" the fact that he came top of his class in the English exam. He really was surprised. --------------- can't/couldn't GET OVER something. Recuperarse, sobreponerse, ponerse mejor. if someone can't get over something, they are very surprised or shocked that something has happened or that something is true. (Note: Often negative, as in ‘I can’t get over winning). Lernen beginnen
Recuperarse, sobreponerse, ponerse mejor. if someone can't get over something, they are very surprised or shocked that something has happened or that something is true. (Note: Often negative, as in ‘I can’t get over winning). Can't/Couldn't GET OVER something. -------- I couldn't "get over" how much weight Elias had lost. --------------- can't/couldn't GET OVER something.
FALL OVER --------- Julio Cesar Chavez said, my little boy was running along when he tripped and fell over and hurt his knee. --------------- fall over. Tropezar y caer. to hit your foot against something when you are walking and fall, or almost fall. (See also: trip over). Lernen beginnen
Tropezar y caer. to hit your foot against something when you are walking and fall, or almost fall. (See also: trip over). FALL OVER --------- Don Pedro said, the floor is full of wires and people keep falling over them. --------------- fall over.
MOVE OVER. ----- When Kenny G came into the room, we moved over to make room for him and he sat down on the sofa next to us. --------------- move over. Moverse para hacer espacio, recorrerse. to change the place where you are sitting, driving or standing so that there is space for someone else to sit, pass or stand. Lernen beginnen
Moverse para hacer espacio, recorrerse. to change the place where you are sitting, driving or standing so that there is space for someone else to sit, pass or stand. MOVE OVER. ----- If you move over a bit, Ceci can sit next to me. --------------- move over.
INVITE somebody OVER, or INVITE somebody AROUND. ------- Ines told me, I’m inviting a few friends over for dinner on Saturday night. Would you like to come?. --------------- INVITE somebody OVER, or INVITE somebody AROUND. Invitar a alguien de visita a tu casa. to ask someone to come to your home. (see also: ask over /around, have over). Lernen beginnen
Invitar a alguien de visita a tu casa. to ask someone to come to your home. (see also: ask over /around, have over). INVITE somebody OVER, or INVITE somebody AROUND. -------- We haven't invited Christine's parents over yet. --------------- INVITE somebody OVER, or INVITE somebody AROUND.
HAVE somebody OVER. ------- Maria Ovi said, we’re having some friends over to our new house for a barbecue on Saturday afternoon. --------------- HAVE somebody OVER. Tener a alguien de visita. if you have someone over, they come to your house to visit you or to stay with you. (see also: ask over /around invite over / around). Lernen beginnen
Tener a alguien de visita. if you have someone over, they come to your house to visit you or to stay with you. (see also: ask over /around invite over / around). HAVE somebody OVER ------- Jane said, we had some friends over last night. --------------- have somebody over.
TRIP OVER. ------ The child tripped over the toys on the floor and fell down. ------------------------------------ TRIP OVER. Tropezarse con. to catch your foot on something and fall or almost fall. (See also: fall over). Lernen beginnen
Tropezarse con. to catch your foot on something and fall or almost fall. (See also: fall over). TRIP OVER. ---------- Manuel said, someone will trip over that cable. ----------------- trip over.
HASH OVER, or HASH OUT something. ---------- Martin and Gladis spent quite a bit of time hashing over the problem. -------- HASH OVER, or HASH OUT something. Debatir. (informal, especially in the (U.S). to discuss or talk about something thoroughly in order to reach an agreement or decide something. Lernen beginnen
Debatir. (informal, especially in the (U.S). to discuss or talk about something thoroughly in order to reach an agreement or decide something. HASH OVER, or HASH OUT something. ------- Tribilin and Manuel "hashed out" their differences and are friends again. ----------------HASH OVER, or HASH OUT something.
HOVER OVER someone. -------- Edgar's new boss was always hovering over him and making him feel uncomfortable and nervous. ----------------- HOVER OVER someone. estar encima de, rondar. to stay very close to a person or place. Lernen beginnen
estar encima de, rondar. to stay very close to a person or place. HOVER OVER someone. ------- Waiters hovered near our table. ----------------- HOVER OVER someone.
HOVER OVER something/someone. ------ Watch as the hummingbird hovers over the flowers. ----------------- HOVER OVER something/someone. Flotar en el aire. to float in the air without moving in any direction. Lernen beginnen
Flotar en el aire. to float in the air without moving in any direction. HOVER OVER something/someone. ------- Helicopters hovered above us. ----------------- HOVER OVER something/someone.
GO OVER ------ Hey Jazmin, how did the news go over with your parents?. ------- GO OVER. Caer bien o mal. Ser recivido bien o mal. to produce a particular reaction. to be received. Lernen beginnen
Caer bien o mal. Ser recivido bien o mal. to produce a particular reaction. to be received. GO OVER ------ Obama said, I hope that my speech goes over well at the meeting tonight. ------- GO OVER.
GO OVER something. ------- Could you go over this report and correct any mistakes?. ------ GO OVER something. Revisar cuidadosamente algo, checar bien algo. to check something carefully. Lernen beginnen
Revisar cuidadosamente algo, checar bien algo. to check something carefully. GO OVER something. ------- Ceci said, In order to asambly this table well let's go over the instructions. ------ GO OVER something.
GO OVER something. ------- The actress went over her lines again and again in order to, learn them pretty well. ------- GO OVER something. Repasar y aprender algo bien. to practise and repeat something in order to learn it. Lernen beginnen
Repasar y aprender algo bien. to practise and repeat something in order to learn it. GO OVER something. ------- Teachar Josefina’s going to help me go over my lines for the play. ------- GO OVER something.