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Angela said, After I got off the plane, a customs officer CHECKED THROUGH my bags. I think he was looking for drugs. ----- CHECK THROUGH something. A police officer CHECKED THROUGH all Erick's records, but couldn’t find anything wrong. -------- CHECK THROUGH something. Lernen beginnen
Checky Trucha said that Angela uttered, after I got off the plane, a customs officer CHECKED (- -) my bags. I think he was looking for drugs. ------ TO, THROUGH, UP. Checar, revisar, examinar, cuidadosamente atravez de algo. to carefully examine the contents of something. (see also: go through, look through).
My comadre Trucha said, that woman pretends to be nice but I can COME right THROUGH her. ------ COME THROUGH somebody. Lernen beginnen
My comadre Trucha said, that woman pretends to be nice but I can COME right (- - -) her. ------ FROM, TO, THROUGH.
Trucha Jane said hey April, we weren’t sure if you could come up with a good design, but you’ve really CAME THROUGH this time. ------- COME THROUGH. I managed to get the tickets.” “Great! I knew you'd come through.” ... Jane said hey April, we weren’t sure if you could come up with a good design, but you’ve really CAME THROUGH this time. ------- COME THROUGH. Lernen beginnen
ComesTrucha said hey April, we weren’t sure if you could come up with a good design, but you’ve really COME (- -) this time. ------- THROUGH, OUT, FOR. Venir Atraves a tener éxito, Salir bién, resultar bién. ----- to succeed or complete something that you have promised to do.
Angelina Jolie has COME THROUGH a difficult time with her illness and her divorce. Angelina Jolie has COME THROUGH a difficult time with her illness and her divorce. It was a terrible accident and Cathy Williams will be in hospital for a long time, but at least she CAME THROUGH it with her life. ---- COME THROUGH. Lernen beginnen
Trucha said that Angelina Jolie has COME (- - -) a difficult time with her illness and her divorce. ----- THROUGH, OUT, IN. Venir atravezar una dificultad, pasar por una dificultad y superarla. ---- to manage to get to the end of a difficult situation. (see also: go through, live through).
Ceci SORTED THROUGH her closet for something to wear. ---- SORT THROUGH. Karla was SORTING THROUGH her handbag, trying to find ker car's keys. --------------- SORT THROUGH. Lernen beginnen
Trucha said that Ceci SORTED (- -) her closet for something to wear. - - - - - - OUT, UP, THROUGH. Buscar algo bien, sortiar atrevez de, rebusquetar algo a fondo. ----- to look at a lot of things in order to find what you want or need
Thrucha Christine said, It’ll take days to GET THROUGH all these emails by the deadline. There must be hundreds of them!. ---------- GET THROUGH something. The new guy in the company said, I GET THROUGH a lot more work when I'm on my own... April said, It’ll take days to "get through" all these emails by the deadline. There must be hundreds of them!. ---------- GET THROUGH something. Lernen beginnen
Getarda Trucha said, It’ll take days to GET (- -) all these emails by the deadline. There must be hundreds of them!. -------- OUT, THROUGH, IN. Conseguir Através, conseguir finalizar con algo. to finish something that you are doing.
Hey Rose can you please GO THROUGH last month’s invoices and put aside any that haven’t been paid yet?. --------------- GO THROUGH something. Ana said, when I "went through" my bank statement, I found I'd been charged too much interest... Hey Rose can you please GO THROUGH last month’s invoices and put aside any that haven’t been paid yet?. --------------- GO THROUGH something. Lernen beginnen
Hey Gonzalo Trucha can you please GO (- - -) last month’s invoices and put aside any that haven’t been paid yet?. --------- OUT, IN, THROUGH. Ir a revisar cuidadosamente algo Trucha, checar bien algo. ----- to carefully read or discuss every part of something in order to make sure that it is correct or acceptable. (see also: check through, look through).
Jenny Rivera has GONE THROUGH a lot this year, but she’s coped with it all very well. -------- GO THROUGH something. Angelina Jolie WENT THROUGH absolute hell during her divorce... Jenny Rivera has GONE THROUGH a lot this year, but she’s coped with it all very well. --------------- GO THROUGH something. Lernen beginnen
Gonzalo Trucha said that Jenny Rivera has GO (- - -) a lot this year, but she’s coped with it all very well. --------- THROUGH, OUT, IN. Pasar ó experimentar através de algo dificil, sufrir, soportar algo dificil. ----- to experience an unpleasant or difficult situation or event. (see also: live through).
The Lansing city council is going through with its plans to widen the bridge. - - - GO THROUGH WITH something. Sarita said, we’re going to GO THROUGH WITH the renovation of our old apartment, even though the cost has gone up. Lernen beginnen
Gonzalo Trucha Withly said that the Lansing city council is GOING THROUGH (BLANK) its plans to widen the bridge. ------- OUT, WITH, TO. Continuar, Ir Através Con, seguir, Ir Atravez Con, continuar hasta llegar al final. ---- to do something unpleasant or difficult which you have planned or promised to do. (see also: carry on (with), go on (with).
Lalo, If you have trouble setting up your internet connection, call the service line and a technician will TALK you THROUGH it on the phone. ---- TALK somebody THROUGH something. If you call this number Ceci, someone will "talk you through" the procedure of the washing machine. Lalo, If you have trouble setting up your internet connection, call the service line and a technician will TALK you THROUGH it on the phone. Lernen beginnen
Doctor Talker Trucha said, hey Lalo, If you have trouble setting up your internet connection, call the service line and a technician will TALK you (- - -) it on the phone. --------- IN, OUT, THROUGH. Explicar en detalle, tokiar en detalle Trucha, hablar atravéz de un proceso en detalle para explicar paso a paso. ---- to help someone to understand something or deal with something by talking to them.
Outeliana. Trucha obviously hadn't THOUGHT it THROUGH properly said her dad Isma. --------------- THINK something OUT. or THINK something THROUGH. Essy obviously hadn't THOUGHT it OUT properly said her dad Isma. Judge Sonia Sotomayor told the members of the jury to THINK the case THROUGH carefully before coming to a decision. --------------- THINK something OUT. or THINK something THROUGH. Lernen beginnen
Thinkery Outelianos Trucha obviously hadn't THOUGHT it (- -) properly said her dad Isma. --------- OUT, THROUGH, IN. Pensar bien Atravéz/Afuera, reflexionar bien las cosas, afuera/atraves. ----- considerar cuidadosamente, analizar, pensar bien. to consider all the important facts in a situation before deciding or doing something. (see also: reflect on, think over).
Sandra said, I passed the time FLICKING THROUGH glossy magazines. ----- FLICK/FLIP THROUGH something. Sandra said, I passed the time FLICKLING THROUGH glossy magazines. I don’t like it when bookshops seal their books said Mike Pence. I like to FLICK THROUGH the pages and have a good look before deciding to buy one. ----- FLICK THROUGH something. Lernen beginnen
Flickly Trucha said, I passed the time (- -) THROUGH some glossy magazines. ----------- LOOK, FLICK, FLIP, SEE. Ojear algo sin poner atención, echar un vistazo a algo. to look briefly at the pages of something [esp. book, magazine]. (see also: go through, look through).
The message from aunt Emilia “came through” at 3.50 am. Can you believed it?. -------- COME THROUGH. The call to the police came through at 5.40 pm. Have the results of the tests come through yet?... The message from aunt Emilia came through at 3.50 am...... A message is just coming through. ------ COME THROUGH. Lernen beginnen
The message from aunt Emilia CAME (- - -) at 3.50 am. Can you believed it?. --------- THROUGH, OUT, IN. Resivir un mensaje, entrar un mensaje, llegar un mensaje, recibir un mensaje atravez, venir atravezar un mensaje. -------- if something such as a signal, information, result or a message comes through, you receive it.
Those women talked THROUGH the whole game. ----- THROUGH. The baby finally slept all through the night. The children talked through the whole class. ------ THROUGH. Lernen beginnen
Trucha said that those women talked (- -) the whole game. ----------- ALL, THROUGH, DURING. Durante, Através. ---- (All) through (or throughout): mean during an entire event or period.
Trucha heard that Melania said, I've had enough of your jealousy Donal. We're through!. ----- BE THROUGH (with someone). Ibanka said, I’ve told Jared Kushner I’m through with him, but he keeps bothering me. ----- BE THROUGH (with someone). Lernen beginnen
Beber Trucha heard that Melania said, I've had enough of your jealousy Donal. We're (- - -)!. ------- DONE, FINISHED, THROUGH. Terminar una relación Ser Atraves con alguién, Ser Atrves... ---- to have ended a relationship.