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My Blowerly Uprah and Goyo Offert said Police EXPLODES the bag because they thought it contained a bomb. Explotar. to explodes and destroyed. Lernen beginnen
My Blowerly Uprah and Goyo Offert said Police BLEW the bag UP because they thought it contained a bomb. --- BLOW UP, GO OFF. The bomb went off in the busiest part of town. - BLOW UP, GO OFF.
Mrs Addy Uprah said, I’m not very good at CALCULATING THE TOTAL OF THE AMONT in my head. Sumar un total, sacar la suma del total algo. to calculate the total of several numbers or amounts. (see also: come to). Lernen beginnen
Mrs Addy Uprah said, I’m not very good at adding up in my head --- ADD UP. COME TO. I’ve checked the receipts for expenses, and they add up to over $10,000. ---- ADD UP.
Acty Uprah said, my car's been NOT WORKING PROPERLY recently, so I have to take it to the repair shop as soon as possible to fix it. No funcionar bien, fallar. to stop working properly. (see also: play up). Lernen beginnen
Acty Uprah said, my car's been acting up recently, so I have to take it to the repair shop as soon as possible to fix it ---- ACT UP, PLAY UP. The TV is acting up, but I think it's just a loose wire. ---- ACT UP.
Mrs Addy Uprah said, I don’t believe his story. There are too many things that don’t make sense and the whole thing just doesn’t MAKE SENSE. No cuadrar. No sonar algo bien... to not make sense or be a satisfactory explanantion for something. (Usually negative. Lernen beginnen
Mrs Addy Uprah said, I don’t believe his story. There are too many things that don’t make sense and the whole thing just doesn’t add up. ------- Something doesn't ADD UP. The boss’s claim that he didn’t know, but that response doesn’t add up. He must have known. ---------- Something doesn't ADD UP.
Mr Holderly Uprah said, the train DELAYED me a bit, so I was late for my appointment. Hacer esperar, mantener a la espera. (con Pastillas Hols ). to keep waiting. Lernen beginnen
Mr Holderly Uprah the train HELD me UP a bit, so I was late for my appointment. --- HOLD UP. The senior citizen had lots of questions and was HOLDING UP the line at the bank. --------- HOLD UP.
How's Getardo Onorio MAKING PROGRESS in her new job?. Progresar, irle a alguién... to make progress while doing something. (UK). Lernen beginnen
How's Getardo Onorio GETTING ON in her new job?. ---- GET ON. Hey, Emmy, are you trying to learn and use phrasal verbs?. So how are you GETTING ON?. ------------ GET ON.
Matcho Uprah said, anyone who doesn’t "match up to" this job is soon fired here at Hadady. Dar el ancho Arriba A, Matchear a la Altura A, dar el ancho, Ser tan bueno como, dar el ancho, dar la talla. to be as good, interesting, successful as somebody/something. usually used in negative sentences. Lernen beginnen
Matcho Uprah said, anyone who doesn’t "match up to" this job is soon fired here at Hadady. ---- MATCH UP TO. MATCH UP TO something/somebody. ---- The trip failed to "match up to" Donal's expectations. ------ MATCH UP TO something/somebody.
Mr Juicer Uprah said, Alberto Alonso tried to MAKE MORE EXCITING the party by entertaining his guests with songs and guitar playing. Alegrar algo, arle vida a algo, darle alegría a, Ponerle picante a. (con Jugo). to make something more exciting, more impressive, or more powerful. Lernen beginnen
Mr Juicer Uprah said, Alberto Alonso tried to juice up the party by entertaining his guests with songs and guitar playing ---- JUICE UP. The television Univision network has employed a team of script writers to JUICE the show UP because it's losing more and more viewers. ---- ------- JUICE UP.
Matcho Uprah please when you're sorting the clothes, make sure you PAIR the socks into pairs ok son. Buscarle el par a algo con algo más, poner algo por pares iguales, emparejar. to find things that belong together or that look attractive together. Lernen beginnen
Matcho Uprah please hen you're sorting the clothes, make sure you "match the socks up" into pairs. MATCH UP sth ----- Essy said, I don't mind washing and ironing, but I hate "matching up" all the socks. ------- MATCH UP something.
My mother keeps trying to PAIR me ROMANTICALLY with her friend's nephew. Encandilarle Con, Machear a Alguien Arriba Con, buscarle pareja a alguien. to pair romantically: with somebody. Lernen beginnen
Match up with........ My mother keeps trying to match me up with her friend's nephew. -------------- MATCH Sb UP WITH. Little Necho said my mother MATCHED ME UP WITH her best friend's daughter. -------------- MATCH Somebody UP WITH.
Beefelipe Uprah once said you could GET BETTER your image Emely by loosing some weight with a good diet. Fortalecer, reforzar. (hacer algo o alguien mas fuerte como: (Carne de res). to make something bigger, better, more interesting, etc. Lernen beginnen
Beefelipe Uprah once said you could beef up your image Emely by loosing some weight with a good diet. --------- BEEF UP. The coach told the young football player to beef up in the gym. ------ BEEF UP.
Mr Gangster Uprah said, every time the teacher makes a mistake, all the students UNITE on her to point it out. Unirse, juntarse en ganga. to unite as a group against someone. Lernen beginnen
Mr Gangster Uprah said, every time the teacher makes a mistake, all the students gang up on her to point it out. ------ GANG UP. GANG UP. ------- You can't win an argument with those two: they gang up every time. ------- GANG UP.
Daniel the Vampiro Uprah said, you'd better INVENT a good excuse for not being at the meeting. inventarse algo, vampirear, sacarse una excusa debajo de la manga como el Vampiro. to invent or make up an excuse for not attending the meeting. Lernen beginnen
Daniel the Vampiro Uprah said, you'd better VAMP UP a good excuse for not being at the meeting. ------ VAMP UP. You should be a writer, you vamp up such interesting stories.
Daniel the Vampiro Uprah said my wife told me, I need to IMPROVE my look - maybe get some brighter lipstick and a new hairstyle. Mejorar algo, hacer algo más facinante, mas llamativo... To improve, to make someone or something more exciting. Lernen beginnen
Daniel the Vampiro Uprah said my wife told me, I need to VAMP UP my look - maybe get some brighter lipstick and a new hairstyle. ---- VAMP UP. The dress is simple and elegant, but you could vamp it up for evening wear with some stunning jewellery. I need to vamp up my wardrobe, now that I'm divorced I need a new look. --------- VAMP UP.