Podroze i turystyka,2

 0    12 Datenblatt    karoladamczak
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Kierownik pociągu
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someone whose job is to make certain someone does not escape or to protect a place or another person/someone who is in charge of a train
I havent bought ticket already, so I have to find a guard
Pociąg ekspresowy
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Express train
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a compartment
one of the separate areas inside a vehicle, especially a train
We should find out our compartment
półki na bagaże
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luggage racks
We can place our luggages into a racks
pompowac opony
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pump up tyres
isc aż to
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go as far as
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a change to where something is being sent, so it goes to a different place to that originally intended
udogodnienia, wyposażenie
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buildings, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose
wolny pokój
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vacancy room
a room that is not being used in a hotel
Do you have any vacancies?
pełne wyżywienie
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a full-board
an arrangement in which all your meals are provided in a hotel
niedrogie zakwaterowanie
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affordable/budget accommodation
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a long way from other places
We want to isolate religion in a private space.

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