Polii 12

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Horror movies
Lernen beginnen
I film d'orrore
I'm starving like a wolf
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Ho una fame da lupi
I can't see anymore from hunger
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Non ci vedo più dalla fame
da +la
I have a hole in my stomach
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Ho un buko nello stomaco
I would even eat the table legs
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mi mangerei anche le gambe del tavolo
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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
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a fairy tale
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una favola
ring the doorbell
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suonare alla porta
the sun was shining
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il sole brillava
there was wind
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c'èra vento
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magra/ magro
wear glasses
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portare gli occhiali
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la scrivania
on the wall, on the chair
na ścianie, na krześle
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sulla parete, sulla sedia
in the park
w parku
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nel parco
the bench, on the banch
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la panchina, sulla panchina
under the bed
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sotto il letto
on the photo
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sulla foto
in the vase
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nel vaso
on the plate
na talerzu
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sul piatto
Luiza's brother's shoes
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le scarpe del fratello di Luiza
It's not for me
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Non fa per me
It's not to my taste
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Non è di mio gusto
It's not my cup of tea
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Non è nelle mie corde
It doesn't drive me crazy
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Non mi fa impazzire
impazzire per amore
I would like to know if you have availability for a table for today at around 4pm
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vorrei sapere se avete disponibilità per un tavolo per oggi alle 16 circa
inside of
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na zewnątrz all'aperto
The characters
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I personaggi
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geloso, invidioso
zażenowanie, zakłopotanie, skrępowania
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imbarazzato, mortificato
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annoiato = znudzony
niesmak, obrzydzenie
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disgustato = zniesmaczony
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radosny = gioioso, allegro, felice, euforico
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Lernen beginnen
it's enough
to wystarczająco
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basta e avanza
entrance reserved for hotel guests
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ingresso riservato ai clienti dell'hotel
I have to go home. I'll go back with Pietro's car
Lernen beginnen
devo tornare a casa. Ci torno con la macchina di Pietro
for a month
od miesiąca
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da un mese
a week
przez tydzień
Lernen beginnen
una settimana
I'm used to working late
Lernen beginnen
sono abituato/a a lavoro fino a tardi
abituarsi a
ci sono abituato/a
He tried to talk to her
Lernen beginnen
Ha provato a parla con lei
ci ha provato
Can you make these steps for tomorrow?
Lernen beginnen
Riesci a fare questi cimpiti per domani?
Si, ci riesco
We care a lot about this work
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Teniamo molto a questo lavoro
tenere zależy, utrzymać, zachowac
ci teniamo molto
how long does it take to make this cake
Lernen beginnen
quanto tempo ci vuole per fare questa torta
ci vuole - trzeba
it takes an hour
Lernen beginnen
ci vuole un’ora
How many ingredients do you need to prepare?
Lernen beginnen
quanti ingredienti ci vogliono per preparare?
ci vigliono - są potrzebne
How long does it take you to get to college?
Lernen beginnen
quanto tempo ci metti per andare all'universita?
w odniesieniu do czasu który jest potrzebny do wykonania czynności
metterci- potrzebowć
It takes me two hours
Lernen beginnen
ci metto due ore
how long does it take them to walk to the station
Lernen beginnen
quanto tempo ci mettono per andare a piedi alla stazione
I have to go there
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devo andarci
jeżeli czasownik modalny występuje z bezokolicznikien
devo andare a casa/ ci devo andare
can i count on it?
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posso contarci?
posso contare sul suo aiuto/ ci posso contare
do you often think about our relationship?
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pensi spesso alla nostra relazione?
Si, ci penso spesso
this tourist guide
przewodnik turystyczny
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la questa quida turustica
Are you used to getting up early?
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sei abituato ad alzarti presto?
How long does it take you to get here?
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quanto tempo ci metti per venire qua?
I managed to pass that exam
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sono riuscita a passare quell'esame
there are many students at school
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a sculoa ci sono molti allievi
do you believe what people say? I believe it
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credi a quello che dice la gente? lo ci credo
attention step
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attenzione gradino
the sign
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il cartello
look down
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quardare in basso
stumble, trip over
potknąć sie
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how do you say it in your language?
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come si dice nella tua lingua
cały czas, codziennie
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tutti i giorni
at high altitude
na dużych wysokościach
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in alta quota
to cross
przemierzać przez coś, iść przez cos
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The reward
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La ricompensa
ranges from
rozciągający się od
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spazia dal
it was a great idea
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è stata un'idea grandiosa
grandioso imponujący wspaniały wielki
the project is great
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il progetto è grandioso
to face a great challenge
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affrontare una grandiosa sfida
I have something great to offer you
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Ho qualcosa di grandioso da proporvi
answer the phone
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rispondi al telefono
turn off the light
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spegni la luce
change channel
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cambia canale
turn on the light
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accendi la luce
come on, there's not much left
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dai che manca poco
reserved for customers
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riservato ai cliento
the hotel guests
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i clienti dell'hotel
I grew up
wychowyealam się, dorastałam
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sono cresciuta/o
to replace
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sostituisco, sostituisci, sostituisce, sostituiamo, sostituite, sostituiscono
do you want a library paddage? no, i can
Lernen beginnen
vuoi un paddaggio per la biblioteca? no, posso andarci a piedi

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